Monday, August 26, 2013

Dahlan Iskan wants to improve democrat party

Dahlan Iskan.
State-owned Enterprises Minister Dahlan Iskan has said he wanted to improve Democrat party from its negative image if he is permitted to do so.

"Democrat, a middle party, is now corrupt but it can be improved. I will improve it if I am permitted to do so," Dahlan said here on Sunday.

Dahlan made the statement in response to a question on the negative image of Democrat in relation with corruption issue which involved a number of party`s former caretakers.

The minister in Jakarta on Thursday announced his willingness to

participate in the Democrat Party presidential candidate convention, but he said he was simply waiting for the official announcement.

"This time, I guess I cannot avoid the question on the Democratic Party convention. This time, I have to talk about it," he said.

Dahlan remarked that he had sent a letter to President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono a few months ago as part of his application to join the upcoming convention.

Earlier, on Wednesday night, the Democratic Party Convention Committee announced the names of 18 nominees who will participate in the presidential candidate convention.

In addition to Dahlan, the other nominees include Gita Wirjawan, Dino Patti Djalal, Vice President Boediono, Former Vice President Jusuf Kalla, North Sulawesi Governor Sinyo Harry Sarundajang, Head of East Kutai District Isran Noor, and House of Representatives` Speaker Marzuki Alie.

Until recently, Dahlan has always avoided answering questions on his readiness to compete in the Democratic Party convention.

He had previously stated that he did not want to compete in the convention or was waiting for destiny to call.

With the presidential candidate convention around the corner, Dahlan admitted that he was still waiting for the committee`s official announcement on whether he was qualified to participate.

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