Monday, August 26, 2013

Indonesian, US marine corps hold joint exercise in East Java

Illustration. Indonesian Marine Corps' soldiers
The Indonesian Marine Corps and the United States Marine Corps (USMC) have carried out a joint exercise at the Baluran Combat Training Center of Marine Corps in Karangtekok, Situbondo district, East Java.

Starting on Tuesday, the joint exercise was opened by the Operation Commander of Marine Corps (Asops Dankomar), Marine Colonel Purwadi, as a representative of Marine Corps Commander Major General (Marine) A. Faridz Washington.

The exercise, named Lantern Iron 13-1, will be held until September 6 in Situbondo. A total of 77 soldiers --66 from Batalyon Taifib-1 Marinir and 11 from US MARSOC-- will take part in it.

"The current global situation demands that Marine Corps be comprehensively prepared, especially in the area of maritime security," said Washington in a written speech read out by Purwadi, adding that every Marine troop must be able to deliver the highest standard of technical and tactical performance when tackling various situations.

"The Lantern Iron 13-1 will make them ready to meet such demands, as this exercise focuses on land and sea combat, from the planning stages right until execution," he explained.

During the exercise, the soldiers are expected to share their knowledge and experience while mastering some tactical abilities with respect to amphibious surveillance, jungle war, and sniper operations.

Meanwhile, Commander of the Exercise Working Unit, Lieutenant Colonel Marine Edy Cahyanto, noted that Lantern Iron 13-1 was aimed at not only improving the knowledge and performance of Taifib soldiers, but also establishing cooperation with US MARSOC troops.

Cahyanto said the participants were also taught about Medical/Tactical Combat Casualty Care and Demolition Identification and Reaction during the training.

Training was also provided on sniper operations, scout swimmer operations, amphibious raids, beach landing techniques, jungle and sea survival, and full mission profile, he added.

The joint exercise will also be held at the Lampon Combat Training Center of Banyuwangi.

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