The entrance to Pine Grove Behavioral Health and Addiction Services in Hattiesburg, Miss., where Tiger Woods is allegedly receiving treatment for sex addiction |
The calls for Tiger Woods to get help did not go unheeded. On Jan.
16, after weeks of sordid allegations regarding the star golfer's
extramarital affairs, reported that Woods had enrolled
in the Gentle Path program at Pine Grove Behavioral Health and Addiction
Services, in Hattiesburg, Miss., to be treated for sex addiction. Local
television stations later confirmed the story.
Few people know what actually happens at sex rehab. While those who
treat it say sex addiction is a disease like any other compulsion, the
field is in its infancy: there is virtually no research on it, compared
with the vast resources on drug or alcohol addiction. "You look at ways
that your behavior has made your life unmanageable. That's really the
question," says Benoit Denizet-Lewis, author of America Anonymous: Eight Addicts in Search of a Life, who has been treated for sex addiction himself. "That often differentiates a sex addict from a non-sex addict."
Sex addiction is marked not simply by poor decision-making in the
face of temptation, but also by a sense of powerlessness before one's
own compulsive behavior. There are many types of sex addicts, including
so-called sexual anorexics who avoid physical intimacy with their
partner and seek it out in fantasies or with others. Despite the
shortage of statistics, researchers agree that the vast majority of sex
addicts — over 90% — are men. Rob Weiss, founder and executive director
of the Sexual Recovery Institute in Southern California, estimates that
up to 5% of Americans deal with some form of sex addiction, though he
says there is no real way to know.
Rehab length varies from two-week outpatient seminars to inpatient
clinics that keep patients for up to six weeks, like the one where Woods
is staying. Treatment — to address both the addiction and its
underlying causes — involves a mix of one-on-one sessions, group therapy
and family counseling, with addicts and their partners encouraged to
participate in supplemental 12-step programs.
The first step in treatment of sexual addiction is a full evaluation
of a patient's history and any past trauma. "All the men I've worked
with — and I've worked with thousands of them over the years — have some
profound experience of abuse and/or neglect in childhood," says Weiss.
Without addressing the underlying sexual, physical or emotional trauma
that usually leads to addiction, there is little hope of ending it.
The second stage of treatment involves confronting patients'
distorted view of reality. Did the addict really believe that paying for
a sensual massage was not the same thing as hiring a prostitute? Or
that he or she could spend most of the day surfing the Internet for
pornography and that no one would find out? These questions are not
meant to shame a patient, but to force him or her to understand what
really happened. As Weiss puts it, "We may not stop the behavior, but
we're going to ruin it for you."
The last stage of treatment is relapse prevention. Therapists and
patients discuss triggers for addictive behavior — unstructured time
alone, for example — and identify ways to avoid them. Brian McGinness, a
senior cost estimator at a Michigan commercial construction
manufacturer, spent the first nine years of his marriage addicted to
pornography. His treatment was supervised by members of his church who
belonged to an anti-pornography ministry group called XXXchurch and a
neighborhood friend, who all acted as "accountability partners,"
monitoring his Internet usage after he decided to get sober. (Sex
addiction shares use of the word sobriety with other forms of
addiction, though the definition varies on the basis of an individually
determined level of acceptable sexual behavior.) With the monitors'
help, which he no longer needs on a regular basis, McGinness has not
looked at pornography for the past four years.
A patient's partner can also play an integral role in his or her
treatment. Woods' wife Elin Nordegren has already visited him at Pine
Grove. "Recovery is a three-legged stool for a couple — his recovery,
her recovery and healing, and then the marriage recovery," says Dr.
Douglas Weiss (no relation to Rob Weiss), executive director of the
Heart to Heart Counseling Center in Colorado, who describes himself as
being sober from his own sex addiction for more than 20 years. Addicts
are encouraged to disclose the full range of their behavior to their
partner when confronting their distortions of reality in the second
stage of treatment. If an addict happens to contract an STD and never
tells his wife, "his behavior could kill her," Weiss notes.
Although Woods may be in a six-week program, his therapy is likely to
be ongoing. Indeed, at Heart to Heart, clients are encouraged to come
back for annual polygraphs to test their sobriety. According to Maureen
Canning, a clinical consultant at Meadows Addiction Treatment Center in
Arizona, simply working through the addiction could take two to five
years of therapy, enhanced by 12-step programs for both partners;
working through related trauma could take a lifetime. "Sex addiction is
not about remaining abstinent for the rest of your life," says
Denizet-Lewis. "It is about learning to have sex in a way that makes you
happy again."
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