Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Government Fully Supports PT DI Develop N-219

PT Indonesian Aerospace (DI) is developing a prototype aircraft N-219. This is in line with the government's efforts in improving the connectivity between islands in Indonesia, especially by using air transport.

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Hatta Rajasa at the Vice President's Office, Tuesday, April 23, 2013, claiming welcomed the efforts of PT DI.

Government, he said, supports the full realization of the development of domestic production aircraft. "Indeed in the program, we want to develop for 19 to 20 aircraft's siter (seating) to connect the islands," said Hatta.

Hatta said, from an economic standpoint, the development of N-219 aircraft has a bright future in Indonesia. Aircraft with a passenger capacity of 19 passengers or the small-capacity, highly desirable in Indonesia is an archipelagic country. "Market-it is very good," he explained.

To that end, he said, the government will continue to encourage the development of production of the plane, so that domestic production will be able to host in the Indonesian market.

"We want to develop national products with design kids PT DI, under the Ministry of Industry and BPPT (Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology) involved in the research," said Hatta.


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