Monday, April 22, 2013

Space agency Cooperation Offer Space to South Korean Airport

Institute of Aeronautics and Space Agency (Lapan) is ready to explore cooperation with other countries in the development of airport space (spaceport). The plan, the space port will be realized in 2025.

"South Korea will be our offer of cooperation, because this country has no airport space," said Space agency chief, Bambang S Tedja, in Puspitek Serpong, South Tangerang, Tuesday, November 27, 2012.

He said the position of Indonesia is located on the equator are often impassable satellite orbit gives a distinct advantage. "South Korea is willing to launch satellites can not be, because Japan and protested Japan's past," he said.

As for the cooperation in question is the construction of airport infrastructure space, as well as others. Although cooperation opportunities, Bambang ensure that the ownership of the space fully airports remain the property of Indonesia, does not fall into foreign hands.

"Fixed ours, he (South Korea) status only satellite store in our airports, he also had permission to Kemenristek," he said.

He illustrates that the parties will cooperate in the construction of airport space, would get certain facilities. But not explained in detail about the facilities in question.

"There are certain agreements and obligations, but each hit. Important part dealers still got us," said Bambang.

Other states parties cooperate, he added, was limited to bringing integration facility to launch satellites in the city. "That's all they've got," he said.

Contained in the installation space port he is still imported from abroad. Space agency side port components only integrate space.

He also asserted that the institution has the right to manage the airport space is LAPAN. For cooperation with the private sector, but also create opportunities LAPAN in keantariksaan regulations in Indonesia, the state or private institutions that would establish cooperation must meet stringent requirements.

"The launch of the satellite or rocket that's at high risk, especially when passing through other countries. Was one of only requirement for insurance is very important," he said.

National space port development in the early stages of Morotai Island, Space agency poured funds of Rp 25 billion.

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