Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The fate awaits N-219 Aircraft Project PTDI

President Director of Indonesian Aerospace, Budi Santoso, said the continuation of the project N-219 aircraft are still waiting for the green light funding from a consortium of relevant ministries and agencies. Ministries and agencies that are Lapan, BPPT, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Research and Technology and the Ministry of Transportation.

Budi explained, to make the N-219 from zero to prototype need of funds to Rp600 billion. PT DI has disbursed funds to Rp100 billion to design and prepare the N-219 subcontractors.

"Currently, we are waiting for certainty of funding from a consortium of ministries," said Budi Santoso headline when met at his office, London, last week. Read also a special interview with PT DI president: "We Like Rebirth, Consumers Start Coming".

The plan, the rest of the budget will be supported by a consortium of ministries. He explains, PT DI also has budgeted Rp 100 billion for the development of this project. However, the company must be careful, given the limited budget PTDI.

"If these funds we have drizzle and a consortium of ministries does not support, this project could fail again as N-250," he said.

He explained that the program is potentially replace the DHC-6 Twin Otter which has operated dozens of years in the east end of Indonesia. N-219 aircraft is a twin-engine turboprop aircraft with a passenger capacity of 19 people. N-219 is suitable to operate in remote areas and mountains of Indonesia.

In addition to replacing the Twin Otter, he hoped N-219 can be used as a forum for experts on Indonesian airlines as a place of education. N-219 aircraft with the technology is simple, inexpensive, and has a high market share.

"N-219 can be used to engineer knows how to make an airplane out of a cycle, from zero to fly. Afterwards, we expand into other products such as the CN-235," he said.

He also asked the Ministry of Transportation to support this project and make the N-219 can be certified and recognized by the world regulators, EASA and the FAA. "If the Ministry of Transportation can approve with EASA, Indonesia was one of the advantages compared to other countries," he said


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