Wednesday, April 24, 2013

We Like Rebirth, Consumers Start Coming

Activity in the hangar PT Indonesian Aerospace (PT DI) back alive. Collaboration among the younger generation with those experienced in PTDI look synergistically create various aircraft components.

The view was different from 2007 when, where PTDI stumbled and had to produce pot for survival.

Slowly but surely, PTDI continue to improve. Under the leadership of John Smith, a restructuring program was launched in 2010 and began to produce results. PTDI began operating profit earned in 2012. PT DI managed to get out of the burden of the past and try to bounce back.

Budi Santoso are not long in PT DI. He joined since 1987, when he was named IPTN. At 1998, he moved to Director of PT Pindad and succeed. In 2007, a doctoral Robotics Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, it asked the government to fix PTDI.

The opportunity to headline a live interview PT DI president director Budi Santoso, in his office, London 8 April 2013. Accompanied by the Director of Commerce and Restructuring, Budiman Saleh, Budi Santoso explained PTDI performance and condition. Here's an excerpt:

Can you explain how the current condition of PT DI?
In business, this is actually a new PTDI learn more. When I was named IPTN, we designed to develop a wide range to do with aircraft.

However, the value of the business was not entered or not economical. IPTN not be so like this, so any company that definitely behind market oriented. IPTN time to master the technology, as part of our way to sell products. Meanwhile, other parts such as the market leader, we never learned it

IPTN target more time to sell products to the government, both at home and abroad. While we realize that the aircraft industry is the commercial aviation market. To that end, we studied the passengers. As we saw in the passenger aircraft market that is generating cash flow for the airlines.

This is the first we never learn. Most of the people in this PTDI first is that most engineers think that technology is definitely a good way. Apparently, it was not enough. PT DI is currently in a state of recovery after experiencing financial difficulties in recent years, and the peak occurred in 2011.

What about the current financial condition of PT DI?
PTDI recently qualified as a corporate in the company. Starting last year, while closing the books, we are positive equity, operating profit was again. This will make business confidence, banking and others better. However PTDI working capital is still highly dependent on banks.

PT DI in 2012 and has managed to earn net income, but the amount is what is audited. Target end of this month to be announced. However, the range of approximately 40 billion profit. New end ascertained.

PT DI last year obtaining any contract?
Throughout 2012 and PTDI get sales contract fixed wing aircraft and helicopters, which includes 9 units of CN 295, 1 NC 212-200 units, 25 units of Bell 412 EP, 6 units of EC 725 and AS 365 N3 2 units.

While sales that include customer support, aircraft services, components, and engineering services with a total value of contracts that have been recorded at Rp 7, 79 trillion. Based on the value of the contract is generating revenue PTDI Rp2, 98 trillion (draft audit).

How do you change the PTDI of a company's loss-making companies that back up?
During 2007 we entered into directors, apparently during 2003 to 2007 were never close the book. So we have to start closing the books from 2003 to 2007.

When entering 2008 there was another strange data, ranging from unpaid taxes, debt data and other 1990s. At that time also began to crowded demonstrations also from internal sources.

We settle all in 2009. We asked for an audit by BPK, tax agencies, all agencies. In addition, we have completed the entire debt to the government. We ask the government debt to be converted into capital. His money does not exist, only on paper but do not be a financial burden PTDI.

In December 2011, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono issued a PP to save PT DI. In the same year we get PMN funding used to purchase machinery and retraining of human resources (HR). So, since 2012 PTDI like a new born again, equity is positive, although not a lot of working capital but there is and can we use to borrow bank loans.

Important then again, many PTDI get the job after PMN flow. It's like a snowball effect, consumers see PTDI began to rise and they immediately came here to invite cooperation possible in five years ago when I first became president of PT DI is not inconceivable.

What PTDI current difficulties?
PT DI in the past 2 years continues to revitalize and restructure, which involves the purchase of rejuvenation and machining facilities, recruitment and human resources resdiposisi, modernization of information systems technology (IT), streamlining business processes, as well as aircraft product development in order to remain competitive in the market.

Because it can only be a normal business PTDI difficulty is making a long-term contract for an aircraft in the Asia Pacific region in order to survive PTDI to 10 years into the future and in the near future will be a lot of employees who will retire while new recruitment conducted in 2011.

If we see, it is SDM in PTDI relatively old all at the engineer level. PT DI's hiring in the period 1982-1986, its peak from 1984 to 1985. It has been nearly 30 years, was nearing the age of retirement all. While it is not to educate enough engineers take graduates from the university, because they do not have the experience to make the plane.

At this time there is some sort PTDI lost generation, because about 45 percent of employees are now starting to retire. In 2010 PTDI began recruiting new employees gradually. While the pension, we keep 1-2 people as a new engineer coach. We will remain open until 2014 recruitment.

If for machine operators, we can already 3-6 months training, the children STM existing basic lessons. While it's rather difficult to engineer, they just have the basic experience and have our students again. To educate engineers, takes 4-5 years to quite their work in the field of aviation.

To prepare them, then it requires real work. So there must be jobs to build aircraft. Our target is to make aircraft N 219. If you say yes simple aircraft are arguably very, very simple. Why not sophisticated N-250? This is the cheapest for us, there are its target market and can be used as a vehicle for the education of new engineers that know how to make an airplane in one cycle. From zero to fly. From there we expand to other products such as the CN-235.

CN-235 was our own innovation by using wing-tips for better performance. NC-212 as we expected it. Our time cooperation with CASA, CASA is not a name we were looking for, but Airbusnya, because they are part of Airbus. With the Airbus name, the image will be different people see PTDI.

If we look at PTDI now is not only the person that has expired, but the engine is already old. This old engine makes productivity decreases.
The old machines consume energy more expensive, more work hours and reability decreased. Example, we were given the task to complete the various components within a week, but because of frequent crashes, can delay aging. Plus engine spares us no longer exists, especially electronic machines have a lot to be replaced because it is outdated.

So the point of this is behind the revival PTDI PMN disbursement?
Actually turning point PTDI last two or three years is the support of the government to put the past PTDI. PP is just one tool, because there are others such as the Ministry of Defence is providing jobs for 3-4 years.

After that, they asked PTDI to prepare themselves to be independent. We can work from the Ministry of Defence was almost 8 years. Whatever we do, although only assigned wipe the glass plane.

We need to live. Business aircraft not something instant. If you want to create a product now, 3-4 years later visible results. So, we are given life again up to 3-4 years to come.

PT DI has become one of the leading suppliers of Airbus. The extent to which collaboration is impacting the PTDI?
PT DI took one reason or group Airbus, EADS, is to make the market perceptions of the PTDI improved. If we can not create market confidence, then we must hold other companies to be able to impact the image.

In this world, there are two companies that dominate the commercial aviation industry, which Airbus and Boeing. Just choose, want to come with his group Airbus or Boeing? On the way, we explore both. However, we are closest to EADS and its group. In history, kwmi also closer though before we ever had a relationship with Boeing.

That is our target forward by cooperating with Airbus. We want to make the plane but the image that can be associated with a good brand.

So, let's say we create a standard production aircraft with Airbus, the more people believe than say made my own. I'm not saying this ugly Indonesian engineer, but the market perceptions of PT DI is still not good enough.

We do restructuring. Find a partner who really firm aircraft. We were invited by Airbus Military, first CASA, but now Airbus. The way we make a plane, learning administration to Airbus. We were helped by Airbus Military. From here, Alhamdulillah we have never failed to meet demand for Airbus.

While cooperation with Airbus for commercial aircraft, we make the A320 and A380 wing components. For the A380 for 10 years, while the 320 has extended his contract in 2009 and then became a lifetime contract.

Per year we can get Rp180-200 billion. We get into a program but not exhaustive, but for which demand is high for lower production costs.

For the A320 until last March we've sent 3,000 components. They asked for 400 per year to be sent. So, if someone said that we are unemployed, it's wrong. With the current modernization, PTDI 2-3 times more productive than the old one. We did not dare to take the job again this time because we have a full production capacity.

Now we want to go? If possible PTDI for domestic only. While at the international level? PT DI had to use branding anyone, because it is going to make its market. Rather than creating a new market, it can process tens of years and it is not possible, trigger death. Creating an image or perception that the market is not instant, it takes time.

We can follow the example of Lenovo. First using the IBM brand and eventually people realized it was a Lenovo IBM. Now, do not use the IBM Lenovo, and now still sell well. That the phases that can be replicated all people.

In addition to Airbus, whether PTDI also obtained orders from aircraft manufacturers other components?
There. We also formed a partnership with Eurocopter EADS Family is also to make the body below chopper MK II, the tailboom and fuselage worth Rp 5 billion. Additionally PTDI also be subcontracted CTRM and Korean Air worth Rp10 billion.

Actually a lot of people in the United States and Europe that appreciate the ability of Indonesian people in the engineering side. If the matter of the Indian IT and better at math than Indonesia, but for the aeronautical Engineering Indonesian magnate. It was like an Indonesian flair.

The people in Europe that many are not interested in aeronautical engineering so that future human resources in Indonesia. Indonesian people currently scattered in several aircraft manufacturers the world, but as good-it was delish the most comfortable work work in their own country.

You had mentioned earlier N-219 project, how the project's fate today?
Continuation of the project N-219 still waiting with several ministries and institutions, such as the Space agency, BPPT, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Research and Technology and the Ministry of Transportation. PTDI itself now has to design and prepare the N-219 sub-contractors. PT DI is currently awaiting confirmation of funding from the Ministry Consortium.

PTDI count to make prototype N-219 requires 600 billion fund. PT DI has exhausted itself Rp100 billion to design and set everything up. We also have prepared about 100 billion more that the road project. However, we've got to be careful. If this was us Rp100 billion drizzle and turns of the Ministry does not support the Consortium's project could fail again as N-250.

Actually, this program potentially replace the Twin Otter aircraft. As we know the Twin Otter has been discontinued but is still used in Indonesia. If you say simple, really simple, but a forum for novice engineer as a place of education.

N-219 plane, two-engine turboprop aircraft with a passenger capacity of 19 people. N-219 is suitable to operate in remote areas and mountains of Indonesia.

N-219 is our hope rides for Indonesia to become certified as well. We expect this to support the Ministry of Transportation. Ministry of Transportation could be a regulator in order to be recognized by the world who live two regulators, EASA and FAA. If one enters, then the same thing.

If the Ministry of Transportation can approve with EASA, it is an Indonesian advantages compared to other countries. Aircraft for certification must be the regulator. Such as South Korea, two years ago made a small four-passenger plane, but it was a vehicle for him to certification Korea got approval from the FAA. If you want to be recognized by EASA then Indonesia should use the N-219 spacecraft.

We want Indonesia not only as an extension of the EASA. If there EASA aircraft that come here, we are not just label approval, but would like to be a partner balanced. In Southeast Asia no. In Asia, China, the certification had not been recognized.

What long-term plans PTDI?
We see this PTDI not a technology company, not a research agency, but must be viewed in any business. Do not be proud to make something but do not amount to anything, in fact, there are no results. The important thing is not to our human resources, the children who go to PT DI, feel cheated without a future. PT DI have a long future, when we recruit people, if you can until retirement, develop skills in PT DI.

PTDI this year continue to boost marketing and sales of both products and services. Contract which targeted mostly been realized as the addition of CN 235 Navy and partly from within and outside the country in the process.

PTDI potentially could still be developed CN-235 CN-235 Next Generation, because PTDI given the flexibility to deliver innovation to the CN 235, we have added the wing tips to increase the stability of the aircraft. In addition, the C-212 is an enhanced version of improvement to make it more efficient, cheaper, and its capacity rose. We are also targeting PTDI care center can take care of the Airbus A320 in Indonesia, in addition to the N-219 can produce that we describe earlier.

Habibie family will develop the aircraft industry as well, the extent to which PTDI involved?
Actually this project, I have to talk and pack Habibie 4-5 years ago. Engineering competencies friends do not have to ask. I've got people, engineers.

To keep them here, PTDI spend up to 90 billion. It has been going on for so long because I had to give them jobs and pay them in PT DI.

I hope that this project to rapidly realized that I do not think again to pay the engineer. To hire the engineer, I had to look for work elsewhere. They make money for the company, but not enough to cover their salaries.

In addition, PT DI have limited time and place of production facilities. If anyone would love the job we do it first. Until now, we have not received a timeframe of Habibie pack, when to be built and what you want done. Hopefully that can quickly, we can do.

But if long, I would not want to find work elsewhere. When I get a job from someone else and then suddenly got a job from Mr. Habibie, it's a dilemma as well.

If I do not think the salary, feel-good I can say one hundred percent support, even a thousand percent was not anything. However, we can issue a month Rp20-30 billion to pay employees and operations.

Every day I wake up, I have to think about how to earn money Rp1 billion to pay employees and overhead costs. PTDI pack Habibie still support the project, but we were the aircraft industry. In other countries, is financed by the state engineer, hired by the state such as South Korea. So, if there are companies that want to research just take without having to think about salary engineer. Well, we want to put where? Willing to put in the BPPT, Space agency, they can not afford so inevitably be stifled in PT DI.

With the pack program Habibie, his hopes could be realized as soon as possible so that the cost of waiting as small as possible.

Engineer all ready, ready PTDI. Now I can not allocate production facility for this program, because there is still no shadow this program forward as to what. So this time I muster all the production facilities to work on an existing contract, which has no result in sight.

Maybe, one day if this program is the production facility constraints PTDI already full. I have to give priority to projects that have to pay my employees. If not, my employees would get from where?

Right now we are full, the machine almost exactly, the two shifts. If the machine forced three shifts, if there is damage it can not recover. So we have the machine running two shifts a little more. The third shift is executed to recover if there is a break down.

We ask Habibie pack soon so I can give the assurance plan well.


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