Friday, May 3, 2013

U.S. Citizens Not Agree to Syria Intervention

The majority of Americans do not want to get involved in the country's civil war Syria, despite the Syrian government's use of chemical weapons. Thus the results of poll Reuters / Ipsos on Wednesday (01/05/2013).

The results of this poll be pesang very clear to the White House to reconsider the move in the face of Syria's political crisis worsened.

Only 10 percent of those surveyed in the poll via the internet agree that the United States engaged in armed conflict Syria. While 61 percent of respondents rejected U.S. involvement in Syria.

However, the number of people who approve the intervention increased to 27 percent if related to the use of chemical weapons by the regime of Bashar al-Assad. While 44 percent still rejected U.S. intervention.

"After Afghanistan and Iraq, the Americans are in no mood again with a military intervention," said researcher Ipsos, Julia Clark.

Earlier, U.S. President Barack Obama said he will reconsider the option of military intervention, if the regime of President Bashar al-Assad proved using chemical weapons to confront the rebel forces.

The poll involved 519 respondents aged 18 years and over and held on 26 April to May 1, 2013.


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