Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Can make the world's hottest curry fainting, dare to try?

A restaurant in New York challenging its customers to try their special dishes, which is the world's hottest curry. Kari called Phaal is known to contain eight types hottest chili, including Bhut Naga Jolokia is touted as the hottest chilli in the world.

Naga Bhut Jolokia itself is usually used as a tear gas weapon in the Indian military. So spiciness, the chef even have to wear gas masks while cooking. The curry is available in brick Lane Curry House is located in Manhattan;'s Upper East Side. Based on the Scoville scale of spiciness, this meal was 200 times more spicy than the original Tabasco sauce.

Some customers who have tried it showed a variety of reactions. There are sweating, crying, shaking, or vomiting. Some even experience hallucinations when eating foods that can make these tears. There are also customers who fainted and had immediately rushed to the hospital.

Kari has several flavors, chicken, lamb, goat, cheese, or vegetables. To get it, the customer had to spend around USD 15 to 21 (about Rp 146,000 - Rp 205,000), as reported by the Daily Mail (30/05).

For customers who managed to take this curry until they run out, the restaurant provides a certificate, free beer, and put in Phaal of Fame in the restaurant. Dhiraj Tiwari, claiming the restaurant manager could not finish it because it's very spicy.

What about you, dare to accept the challenge to spend the hottest curry in the world?

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