Monday, July 1, 2013

Initially, Sheikh Buthi Making "Sultry" Salafi-Wahabi

Shaykh Said Ramadan Al-Buthi is the main character of a world-class Sunni or Ahlussunnah wal Jama'ah. He is not only known as a Sufi, but also the nature of the expert as well as expert law, and argumentator Sunni attacks against non-Sunni. It is recognized both in Syria and in other Muslim world. 

One of the Shaykh Buthi greatness is the ability to argue against attacks takfiriyah group that likes mengkafirkan Ash'ari group (Sunni), also likes mengkafirkan fadhilah deeds-deeds and so forth. The sheikh Buthi most persistent and most effective against them. 

There are two of Sheikh Buthi that makes "hot" Wahabi and Salafi groups in Syria and in the Muslim world in general. The first book entitled al-La Mazhabiyyah: Akhtoru Bid'atin Tuhaddidus Shariah Islamiyya, which means that the non schools of thought is a new innovation that may impair thinking Shari'ah. In summary, the book explains that people understand that Islam should be the pattern of thinking. Well thought patterns that the methodology of ijtihad which can not be submitted only those individuals who do not qualify for it. According to Sheikh Buthi, for those who do it Samalah means he'll undermine Islam because he memelencengkan true meaning of Islam itself. This book is very well known and telling all to fight the group takfiriyah Wahabiyah and earlier. 

Second, the book Shaykh Buthi that contain descriptions of the As-Salafiyyah Salafi. That said, this is not a Salafi madhhab but religious atmosphere in the days salafus as-salih. So Salafi is not a way of thinking but it's a fact of life darus greeting of peace. 

Two books that really make Wahabi and Salafi groups desperate, so long in fact there is any conflict between the sectarian Wahabi-Salafi by Shaykh Buthi. 

Advisor to the President 

At the same time an adviser to President Sheikh Buthi. Under normal circumstances it provides advice in the field of religion. However, because of the conflicts that divide the government and rebel communities, in this case also fueled by foreign countries, then there is collaboration between religious factors and political conflict. 

Meanwhile in self-government Shi'ite Alawiyahnya many elements that are not favored by pilgrims takfiriyah-worshipers led by Slafi-Wahabi, although Sheikh Buthi itself not Shiites. Shaykh Buthi itself actually being in government with the intention to seek a balance between the Sunnis by Shiite User Opinions. 

Syria conflict persists indeed. More dominant factor is actually political. The first actually because Israel wants to destroy Syria because he was the country hardest to deal with them. There inhabited militant forces against Israel. Such power is controlled by Shiite Iran and Hamas forces controlled by Khalid Mass and some Shiite forces as part of the Hezbollah-led by Hasan Nasrollah. The three forces that make Syria a major enemy of Israel added that the government itself tends to Shiite Bechar User Opinions. 

Because of these political factors, as well of course the attack on another Islamic country certainly interfere America. And can be presumed that he would help the rebels, the first because it does not like the government, both Salafi-Wahabi Saudi was always pro-American, including takfiriyah worshipers. 

While the countries' already reformed "like Egypt, Libya and so forth who secretly sided with the Americans, and here they are in favor of the rebels. Well because it was then dragged Iran China and Russia to go in this battle because of the resistance against the Americans, actually not because of religion, but to maintain the balance of East and West.
Then there was a messy politics in Syria, and Sheikh Buthi are at a disadvantage. Because he was a Sunni, as a government adviser that he or she has to deal with the Shiite Alawi, while this Takfiri assume that Sheikh Buthi favor of tyranny. 

Because Shaykh Buthi was considered very powerful, especially in Islam, then he attacked that way. Buthi sheikh died in suicide bombings. I think this attack is not far from takfiriyah group, or political movements are anti-government. 

Negative Propaganda 

After Sheikh Buthi die in that way, it seems the west and from the Salafi-Wahabi scholars support this worrisome world, or sympathy for the people of the world against him. Then direkayasalah against some scholars to discredit Sheikh Buthi, like Sheikh Qaradawi. There is a statement that tends to discredit him. Well it actually is part of a political movement to reduce support and sympathy to Sheikh Buthi. 

We hear people who speak ill of Shaykh well in the international print and electronic media. Whereas in the Muslims of the deceased should not be disfigured. There is a hadith which nenyebutkan, 'Hasina mautakum Udzkuru ma'. Nah but for the sake of that there is no reaction then Shaykh Buthi disfigured. So we do not need to enlarge this controversy because it includes part of the conspiracy of others. 

According ahlissunnah wal Jamaah, the righteous person remains righteous. That the political choices that result in something we do not fit in personal assessment and religion as it once was at the time when opposition Sayydina Ali and Uthman. Sunnis say, 'What's going on in our silent companions ", because it is not of the religious factor but other factors. So the Sunni world happier if he did not blaspheme the Shaykh Buthi and more to the political problem not a problem though religious sectarianism religious sectarianism is a problem due to the axis of the global game to play between the sectors. 

Relationship with NU 

When to Syria, I had met with Sheikh Buthi with some scholars, such as KH Idris Marzuki, KH Masruri Mughni (late), and KH Nur Muhammad Iskandar. He has given a diploma directly to deploy all his work. 

One of his most associated with NU is Sharh Al-Hiham, because Al-Hikam the book itself is a mainstay of Sufism who studied at the seminary. In my opinion, the book written by Shaykh excess Buthi hikam Sharh other than, first because he started the Hikam of Sharia then go nature. There is rarely such a Sharh Hikam. Usually that's essentially disyarahi. So of Shari'a he revealed his arguments, recently entered into nature. 

The second is equipping Hikam Sheikh Buthi this with arguments venerated both the Qur'an and the hadith the prophet, because hikam itself no argument in it said little about the verse, but not proportional to each qoul no argument. 

NU is in this Buthi Sykeh less popular than the example of Sheikh Qaradawi Wahbah Zuhaili and. That's because the problem silaturrahim course, because he was elderly. Shaykh Wahbah still come to Indonesia, while Sheikh Buthi only represented by his son, Dr. Taufik.
Second, the books of fiqh category Sheikh Buthi not practical, although a lot related to fiqh and usul fiqh, but he is better known by Sufi clerics and Sunni argumentator. But the scholars should be simple it can not be mapped as a jurist or Sufism. Like the priest Shafi'i jurist when he was very mystic. Imam Hanafi is an expert ra'yi but he is also very mystic. So we more often look at what stands disciplines. However, "what's in the warehouse that's not all visible in the window." 

One of the thoughts that I think Sykeh Buthi need is comprehension is developed between the disciplines of science religious denominations, for example konprehensi between the interpretation of fiqh, Sufism with the science of kalam. This is done so that the integral. I can say that this could be called a sheikh bouts Imam Ghazali both expressed both in the argument and return condemn the Islamic sciences that had been broken: Jurisprudence away from the congregation, the congregation away from the science of kalam, technology away from monotheism, and so on. This is not true. 

Well broken shards of religious knowledge was put together again by Sheikh Buthi in lectures and recitals. Another Keistemewaan lecture Shaykh Buthi is a systematic and scalable, and can be directly transcribed and printed without editing. Then he recorded works pretty much and most had come to various boarding schools in Indonesia. 

* Secretary General of the International Conference of Islamic Scholars (ICIS), Rais Syuriyah NU

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