Monday, July 1, 2013

Transnational Movement in Syria: Reflection for Indonesia

One of the determining factors is the inclusion of the protracted problem Syrian foreign country. Both foreign opposition backers, such as America, European Union countries, as well as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey; well as supporting foreign regimes such as Russia, China, and Iran. 

Not only foreign country, Syria became a destination "jihad" transnational Islamic movement. Could be called Jabhat al-nusrah affiliated with al-Qaeda Wahhabi ideology incoming flow. Many kombatannya from various Middle Eastern countries, even from the West. Likewise brigade Ansarul Caliphate and its affiliates. Almost certainly, these minority groups are sympathizers and activists of Hizb ut-Tahrir. 

After the formation of the Syrian National Council (SNC) opposition group split. SNC attempt to topple the Assad dictatorship Bechar. Medium group al-nusrah jabhah which eventually joined with Ansar al-Khilafah want an Islamic state or Khilafah state. 

Of these transnational Islamic groups contribute in the armed movements and suicide bombings. The war in Syria has claimed many victims ranging from children to great figures Ahlussunnah, Said Ramadan al-Buthi. Even the odd, the mosque was blown up participating, as well as the companions of the Prophet dead body taken by the group of Takfiri (NU Online 07.05.2013). 

This conflict will burn if foreign parties remain involved. Moreover Barack Obama is ready to send weapons to the opposition (BBC News 2/04/2013), do not miss Israel seeks test experiments with bombing. On the other hand, the majority Shiite Hezbollah fighters also sent troops (MSN Arabia News 5/05/2013). 

If the above scenario continues to run, sectarian conflict will occur. A few weeks ago, opposition Shiite district in northern plied Aleppo with mortar (IRIB Indonesia 8/05/2013). Naively, the fighters in the name of religion. Even Abu Sakkar, founder of Omar al-Farouq brigade divide Syrians army chest and take the heart of the army. This is reminiscent of the heart-consuming Hind Hamzah, the Prophet's uncle after the battle of Uhud. Naive again, while eating heart, Abu Sakkar invite bertakbir. If the war in the name of religion to enforce 'sharia' this continues to happen, then they agrees thesis. A.N. Wilson in his book "Against Religion: Why We Should Try to Live Without It? That religion is responsible for the war.

The sectarian conflict setemali with suggestions RAND Corporation in the research titled, "U.S. Strategy in the Muslim World after 9/11". Rand Corporation recommends to America to exploit differences in Sunni and Shia for American interests in the region.
Reflection for Indonesia 

Indonesia as a country with a high level of diversity has been agreed with the Republic of Indonesia and Pancasila. Historically, it's been a heated debate on the basis of the state, Islam or the Pancasila. However, Pancasila finally selected. 

As the era of reform, freedom faucet is opened. Scattered ideas, and movements, that smells good extreme Islam, secular, and liberal. A paradoxical thing happened on transnational Islamic movement. 

The one hand, the movement against the spirit of reforms, freedoms and democracy. For them, democracy is a form of kufr and kebid'ahan in Islam. But on the other hand, is precisely the freedom they enjoy. A blessing that they are impossible to obtain in the majority of Middle Eastern countries. 

Moreover, another paradox is a statement that sparked friction which gives them a negative stigma (heresy, heresy, and Kufr) the rituals and traditions of Muslim majority country. Not to forget, they also began to re fiddling with Pancasila and the Homeland. 

Could take a sample of Abu Bakar Ba'asyir in fithri Eid sermon in 2012 saying, Homeland since independence until now is because the basic state infidel state's creation of human intellect and the positive law is the law of ignorance. Bashir asserted, rulers are to be denied though Evil Muslim prayers, fasting, zakat, and hajj. Likewise Hizb activists and sympathizers with a loud voice that democracy is kufr, countries other than the caliphate system was rejected Islam. Certainly one of the targets is Homeland. 

These doctrines must have had a negative effect. No sense of nationalism, because nationalism is haram (book Nizamul Islam). Similarly, development support does not appear, because he worked in the legal institutions, and politics is an absolute bastard. Eventually they may not want to be a judge, prosecutor, let alone the head of government. Not to forget, this transnational movement doomed to clash with the public and other Islamic organizations. 

One time, the transnational Islamist movement would clash violently with the Indonesian state. If in Indonesian politics ganjing another rocky, so there are opportunities that this movement at a particular phase will take up arms. This seed is visible from the Salafi movement / Wahhabi radicals in various places doing violence. Hizb even in preaching non-violence method (manhaj book), but when Syria gonjing ganjing, they metamorphose, to form armed brigades. 

Transnational Islamic Movement mengindonesiakan
You should change the face of transnational Islamic movement into Indonesia, the term KH. Hasyim should Indonesianized first. So as not to hit the pillar and pillar Homeland diversity.
In other words, all groups should express their opinions. But it should not cross the red line (red line), the brain-tweaking Homeland, and meddle meddle with tradition and ritual Muslim archipelago.

* The author is Lecturer in Political Islam IAIN Surabaya; live in Bahr Ulum Islamic Boarding Tambakberas Jombang.

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