Monday, April 22, 2013

Apple Secretly Find New CEO?

Some sources cited by the Wall Street Forbes said that Apple is secretly looking for new CEO Tim Cook to replace.

Why, Cook was able to maintain the performance of Apple that the company's stock price continued to decline.

Apple has lost half its market value since the first time Cook served as CEO in October 2011, replacing the late Steve Jobs.

Apple shareholders worried because so far there is no sign of decline in the stock price will stop.

Since hitting the highest point in the value of 702 dollars per share in September 2012, Apple's stock had plummeted to trade at price 390 U.S. dollars per sheet, April 19.

There is no information about who the potential candidates who could replace Tim Cook.

Stay positive
Loss of market value of 290 billion U.S. dollars in just six months, most Wall Street analysts generally maintain a positive attitude towards Apple.

Of the 37 large securities firm analysts, for example, no one has downgraded Apple's stock to "sell".

Twenty-five of them are still recommends Apple stock with a rating of "strong buy", six others rated them "moderate buy" while remaining "hold".

One of the main reasons behind this positive attitude is a big Apple cash, estimated at over 137 billion U.S. dollars. Demand for superior products Apple was still strong, especially the iPhone and iPad.

SP & Q analyst Scott Kessler IP estimates that Apple's sales of the two devices will remain high until 2015. But, he also added that Apple's earnings growth will decline sharply this year to 14 percent, from 45 percent last year.

Apple itself is currently in a period of "quiet period". The company would not comment on the public as scheduled to release quarterly earnings on Tuesday.

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