Sunday, April 28, 2013

This Is The Most Famous Sites In Indonesia

Archaeologists continue to work unraveling the mystery of Mount Padang megalithic site, Cianjur. In the meantime, travelers can still enjoy the historical sites in Indonesia's most excited.

How not excited, the site was mentioned as a key high civilization thousands of years ago in Indonesia. However, it took a bit of a struggle to reach the location it is at 800 meters above sea level.

Of Cianjur, detikTravel on Tuesday (23/05/2012) 1 hour journey to the village of Karyamukti, Campaka District, Cianjur Regency. Of Cipadang city, which lies in the path of Cianjur-Sukabumi, visitors should take along 20 kilometers. Most roads are paved. There is also a rocky road.

Before arriving at Mount Padang, visitors will pass through the village of Bukit Manik in Cibokor, District Cibeber. Landscape in the tea planted hills presented very beautifully. Along the winding road that climbs interspersed with steep enough, you will see a stretch of hills.

In the hills it can also be seen Mount Gede and Mount Salak Pangrango standing upright, as long as there is no fog. After passing through a stretch of tea gardens in Bukit Manik, stay 1 kilometer journey again to reach the foot of Mount Padang.

So up to the foot of Mount Padang, several stalls lined resting place. Here, tourists can buy a number of eye injuries such as bags, shirts and handicrafts community at the foot of Mount Padang. To get to the megalithic site at the top of Mount Padang, visitors filled out attendance and pay Rp 1,000 at the checkpoint.

"Money is not the ticket entrance. Alms for the interpreter but the site maintainer," says Dudi Abah, a spokesman keepers. Number interpreter maintainer at the site amounted to 13 people.

After registering visitors must climb 350 stairs that have a slope of 80 degrees to reach the peak. The track is very tiring. But do not worry, the Department of Tourism, Arts and Culture of West Java provincial government has also made a sloping track despite having to play. To pass in the lane that was made in October 2011, visitors must pass through 750 steps. In this track also features a handle made of steel and equipped street lighting.

On the summit of Mount Padang, there are terrain-tie shaped staircase. No amount of 5 steps. Each of these steps badminton court area. Moreover scattered atop rocks and pottery that reportedly made in the days BC.

To rest and melinikmati view from the top, provided shelter made of iron. The 2-story shelter. Bertama 5x5 meter floor space. While the 2nd floor width 7x7. from the shelter visitors can see a beautiful panorama. Moreover, Gunung Padang is surrounded by hills.

Other objects that exist in Mount Padang, is Stone Hold. Stone length 50 cm and 20 cm in diameter was located under the frankincense tree. For visitors who can lift this stone is said to desire will come true. But most visitors no one can lift the stone that stands at the summit of Mount Padang.

In addition to Stone Hold, named the Well Kahuripan other objects. The location of these wells is under or at the entrance to the site location. The water in the well, it is believed to make melodious drink.

"If I drink water it's like digurah. So so relieved or melodious voice," said Abah Dadi.
Because it can make melodious voice, said Abah Dadi, a lot of singers and singers who came to the mountain Padang to drink water from the Well Kahuripan, whose depth is less than 1 meter. Water at the Well Kahuripan is very clear and fresh when taken.

Well, with a beautiful panorama and there are relics of ancient history makes Gunung Padang visited by many visitors. At least a month there are thousands of people who came traveled to Mount Padang, they generally come at the weekend.

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