Monday, May 13, 2013

11 Unique Facts about dolphin fish

Rob Howes, the New Zealand coast guard and three of his friends to swim in the middle of the ocean. Suddenly, a bunch of dolphins kind of bottle nose surrounded them. Dolphins thumped his tail into the water. Howes wonder, why the dolphins behave odd?
Apparently, there was a giant shark along approximately three meters. If a shark attack, was the end they are as they are far from the beach. Miraculously, a bunch of dolphins friendly with humans. They surround as if to give protection. Dolphins in action about 40 minutes, until the shark was gone.
Dolphins are smart fish. Not easy to measure the intelligence of dolphins, because they use brain differently than humans. The scientists noted, the fact that there are 11 "Cool" about dolphins, namely:

1. Piggybacking love
Dolphins like to swim with the speed boat, or jumping in front of, and behind a speed boat. They swim as fast as a speed boat. White pacific dolphins can swim at a speed of about 28 km / hour. When following a speed boat, they are even faster. How do they do it? Speed ​​boat creates waves that push water upward. Dolphins swimming in the waves and currents that are created following the speed boat. Thus, dolphins do not have to expend energy to swim, but just ride with the flow.

2. Noise
Dolphins use sound to "see". They sound and listen to the reflections to find food and navigate. When hunting fish, dolphins emit sound very noisy so make a small fish "stupor".

3. Leg bone
Millions of years ago, the dolphins have legs. Scientists see two pieces of bone in the skeleton pelvis dolphins. Maybe it's former leg bones. Some scientists suspect the dolphins ancestors walked on land.

4. Dental Tapered
If a dolphin has a dentist, doctor definitely be busy. Several species of dolphins have teeth more and longer than the crocodile. There is a type of dolphin that has long teeth as many as 250 pieces. However, the dolphins do not like to bite humans. You never read the news about the dolphin bite humans, right?

5. Compact cooperation
Sometimes thousands of dolphins hunting together. They marched surrounded the prey. Area surrounded by wide, then scaled so that the prey of confusion, then eaten.

 6. Helping Fishermen
Dolphins are often clustered around a fishing boat while jumping. They guided the fish into fishermen's nets. In Brazil, bottle nose dolphins signaled when fishermen have nets full of fish.

7. Nickname
Dolphins communicate with the "whistle" and use the "name" to identify each other. Some scientists suspect that dolphins have a special call sign and use a special greeting when parting with his friends.

8. Midwives Helper
When the mother was about to give birth to dolphins, a dolphin act like a midwife, the vigil and attending births. After the baby dolphin was born, the midwife helped care for the baby dolphin.

9. Likes Humor
Like humans, dolphins seem like a joke. A dolphin named Ake, asked to help clean the pond. He took a leaf or piece of dirt objects, and then delivered to the coach. After the dirt in the pool runs out, the dolphins make their own. He peeling paint on the pond, then delivered to his coach, laughing.

10. Life in Freshwater
Most of the species of dolphins live in the sea. However there are five species of dolphins that live in watery river rapids. Freshwater dolphins can be found in South Asia, the Yangtze (China), the Amazon (Brazil), and Orinoco (South America).

11. Next Dolphins Sleep Eye
Vision system is awesome. When compared with human vision, the human eye can not focus on the water. Our vision will be blurred. Eye like a dolphin's sophisticated camera that allows them to be able to see clearly on land and in water. It is very necessary for the dolphins. Whenever surface, dolphins carefully consider the movement of birds flock around them. Because, in places there are a bunch of birds berkumpulah fish.
Several species of dolphins must rise to the surface to breathe every 20 to 30 seconds. Berisitirahat dolphins with only half of their brain activate, and his eyes open door. Dolphins are very aware of this, and use it to find prey easily.

Special design dolphin eyes also protect their eyes from the salty sea water. Each dolphin eyes can focus on the different points at the same time. Therefore, a dolphin can look forward with one eye to determine the direction of swim while in case of danger to the other eye. If necessary, the dolphins can close one eye and half a brain mengisitirahatkan.
After a long time, he did the same change in the eye and the other half of his brain. For 8 hours, the two sides of the brain is conscious. Then the left side to sleep for 8 hours. After it woke up the side, the right side will sleep for 8 hours.

Sources : # ixzz2TAmSgKb9

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