Monday, May 13, 2013

A little story about dolphins

Dolphins, water mammals that one is not familiar to us all, symbolizing friendship and also figure friendly, funny and cute and make people quickly familiar animals like this one.
Many people make use of dolphins, such as the U.S. military who had conducted experiments on dolphins for espionage missions (spy). Dolphin has a unique ability that actually when we as humans can catch jelly intent of the dolphin behavior change.
The unique ability among other things, like helping people who happen to get lost or Align Leftterombang udder at sea (dolphins usually helping and guiding towards the water), but it can also tell when the earthquake will occur.
All is possible because dolphins are animals that are very easy to train. estimated that there are between 30 to 40 species of dolphins, it is among the 5 dolphins that live in fresh water. Although they live in the water, the dolphins are mammals who breathe through their blowhole, which is located at the top of their heads.
Several species of dolphins must rise to the surface to breathe every 20 to 30 seconds. Dolphins are very social, loves playing, thorough, and intelligent. They live in groups called pods or family. Berisitirahat dolphins with only half of their brain activate, and his eyes open door.
This allows them to rise to the surface to breathe and to protect themselves from predators. male dolphin called Bulls (bull) while his female called Cows (cattle). Dolphins can reach speeds of 60 km / h or 37 mph it. In addition to the two sides of the dolphin brain works separately.
For 8 hours, the two sides of the brain is conscious. Then the left side to sleep for 8 hours. After it woke up the side, the right side will sleep for 8 hours. Thus dolphins can sleep for 8 hours without having to stop physically and keep swimming.
Make use of dolphin sounds for the sense of vision, use your voice to look towards where he had to swim for food, a unique moment his dolphin noises to find the small fish food, fish small fish then it would not be powerless.
Another fact that may friends friends often find out is they like to accompany the ships that sail in the middle of the ocean on the left side of the hull right, well this is certainly a spectacle of its own for passenger ships and myself had tasted his sailing across the waters at Kupang.
In recent years, many dolphin fish hunted for food made therefore have health benefits. It is indeed very sad due to start funny animal extinction from the face of the earth, I often hear them stranded on the coast as a result of disruption of the navigation system are in because of the heat wave or other disturbance in the sea.
When the eardrum is damaged animals, they will lose direction, and then come to the surface and swam aimlessly. Protect Dolphins Dolphins!

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