Tuesday, May 7, 2013

After 20 Years, Man Can Land on Mars

Illustration Inspiration capsule Mars Foundation which will bring the husband and wife to Mars in 2018.

Want to Mars? Now, the time it takes to make it into a reality even shorter period of time that may be needed to find a vaccine or cure of various diseases. Only 20 years old!
A married couple plan to fly to Mars through Mars Inspiration program offered by billionaire Dennis Tito. Meanwhile, the Mars mission plans One more extreme dispatched without humans to Mars a decade from now.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) said in a statement, as quoted by AFP on Monday (05/06/2013), said that it is possible for humans to land on Mars. Time is only 20 years from now. Alias, in the year 2033, mankind has been able to land on Mars.
Starting Monday, several big names in the world keantariksaan and discussed the possibility of landing humans colonize Mars in the conference will last three days. Opportunities and challenges are discussed.
Various parties, said the challenge to Mars is not a technological problem, but a problem of money. NASA just under the management of the developed countries in financial crisis due only get 0.5 percent of the state budget. What about countries like Indonesia?
"If we start now, it is possible to land on Mars in 20 years.'s Do not need a miracle, this requires money and a plan to address the challenges in engineering technology," said Scott Hubbard, experts from Stanford University.
Hubbard said, one of the biggest challenges is bringing loads of up to 30-40 tons to Mars. The load is the minimum load required to build a habitat on Mars. Another challenge is to provide enough fuel to go to Mars.
NASA itself is now developing the Space Launch System and Orion capsule to support travel rut Hubbard, the nuclear fuel needed to support the thrust and wasting time traveling up to 3 months.
In addition to technology issues, another challenge on the way to Mars should also be solved. Effects of radiation itself is now not well understood consequences for human health. One that has been predicted, the radiation can trigger cancer. Need to understand its effect on the central nervous system or brain.
Another challenge is a matter of physiology, such as reduced bone density and muscle. Then also the psychological problems which include feelings of loneliness on a mission to live in an entirely new place. If the challenge was overcome, landing on Mars is not impossible.

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