Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Sex and the Future

Sexual harassment seems increasingly difficult to control. Every day there are news that make tears and a frown. While talking about sex, although still considered taboo educate. To admit we have a problem of concern sex was difficult. How the fate of the future?
Can not be denied that the word "sex" alone can bring the mind and one's fantasies everywhere. Tend to drift towards porn and soluble animalistic lust. Understandably because sex is still used as the object of a taboo, dirty, pornographic, immoral, obscene, and immoral deeds that plunged. Though we all realize that sex is given by the Creator as a gift that should be viewed positively when subjected to wipe it.
Sex itself is very educational science. Studying the sex organs, sexual behavior, and sex all human beings capable of making dumbfounded and stunned. What does not? Like hell man, until now there is no one else that makes human sperm and egg cells. Can not even menduplikasikannya well. So, why it is difficult for people to see it as a divine greatness?
Making sex as objects of negative thinking has proved that we have not been able to respect and appreciate what has been given by him. This error does not also want to be recognized, so do not be surprised if dirty and negative thoughts continue to grow. Sex-related problems more difficult to overcome and addressed.
Taboo on sex itself originated from the sacredness of sex. It takes maturity, maturity, great soul, and reason that high to be able to learn the sex without thinking negatively, so taboo that can not be studied for. The difficulty is what makes sex education be closed because it is covered. Over time, it tabulah which later became the subject and object of sex is. What can I say, perhaps the first is already thinking ahead. Natural selection is based on the human ability to think clearly in decline, so it is not worth studying sex. Their dirty-minded about sex will not be able to learn and understand about sex properly.
As one example, is thinking about condoms. Condoms are considered the cause of free sex and plunges. If we want to look further, condoms are inanimate objects. Condoms are contraceptives and preventive dangerous venereal disease transmission, including HIV and AIDS. Condom users themselves, in Indonesia is still very low, approximately 5% of the total population in Indonesia. While the amount of free sex offender is equal to or less condom users? Growth of HIV AIDS in Indonesia in the younger generation alone has reached 600 percent per year, who are able to think and decide to have sex freely? Remember, condoms are not capable of thinking, but humans are capable of. Condoms can be anything, depending on the intent and purpose of its own.
Cases of rape and sexual abuse are also often associated with porn. Diaalahkan porn movies and diruding be the main causes and culprits. According to a study mentioned that the international media junkie porn films. Indonesia amounted to 38 percent of the male population. Is the number of rapists in Indonesia together with the amount of porn addicts? If someone is able to control himself not to commit a sex crime, then why is not capable of? Of course, many other reasons such as psychological factors, mental health, educational, economic, environmental, and other things that affect. Not only semerta necessarily someone could commit sex crimes simply because watching porn. Trigger, it could be, but not the primary cause and the culprits.
Prostitution was a lot covered with a variety of reasons. Do not also want to acknowledge how difficult it is to remove the oldest job in the world. Shut prostitution not then surely it can eliminate the black world, is there a guarantee? If it is guaranteed not to exist, then crawl to what the commercial sex workers in the streets and other places continue to be done? Is the number of captured and recorded more reduced since the closure of the brothels? The volunteers are usually easy to record and provide counseling and providing drugs to prevent the spread of the disease even more difficult.
Surprisingly again, the problem about the handling of prostitution is only focused on the prostitutes of his course, the "clients" they are free to roam. In fact, they are the more dangerous because it can bring the disease into the house and pass it to another. Not to mention the behavior of people that are now free sex everywhere, no ties, no commitments, no love, just for sex. Plus coupled with sex in cyberspace and in the work environment, that does not also want to be recognized as a problem. For the sake of balance, lunch, having slept at the hotel, can project, along with certain circles, joined the trend, lifestyle, etc., one can humble himself, but still do not want to be low. Lots of reasons.
Accusing, cursing, angry, isolated, and contempt much easier than going down to his right and struggling to resolve this issue. To want to touch and embrace those who are despised by society and trash does not want. Prefers to remain clean and wash hands, to demean others to be lifted, it is normal, right?! What is known also by the way just is not the result of direct research, so it is actually what is known, anyway?! Cleaning the house is clean then there is no use, dare dirty cleaning the house immediately without a lot by the way pure?! Great soul, patience, perseverance, discipline, and want to continue to think beyond the absolute, far more difficult than just by the way.
No one on this earth who is never wrong and who is to be sinful or not?! The human being is the same in God's eyes, there is nothing more despicable. Human beings are felt more than others and the effect has been more than God and feel it is an angel without sin. Just do not dare to admit wrong?! I wish only to cover the error continues, while the realization that it is an act of hypocrisy that most despised remains. Think positively about sex also does not have the courage. More afraid of the scorn of the community and most people than the honor and respect of His grace. So, for what it claims to be good when better and perform better just do not want to?!
Talking about sex is not just talking about the bed. Talking about sex by making it as a subject will broaden your horizons and grow mature. To help directly address the issue of sexual abuse may be difficult, but we can help. The smallest help will be invaluable if only to change the mindset by making sex as a subject. Respect and appreciate sex as a gift with no degrading, harassing, or humiliate. No need to point fingers, but do it from, by, and for yourself. Think about the future.

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