Thursday, May 2, 2013

Discovered, Supernova Grain Forming Solar System

U.S. Researchers have identified a surprising two grains of sand from a pair meterit, or meteorite that had crashed on Earth. Sand grains were found to differ where it shows the kind of identical and very rare.

Huffingtonpost launch, 29 April 2013, Researchers estimated the grain that comes from the explosion of the same star, the remnant blast formation of the solar system about 4.6 billion years ago.

Both meteorites found in Antarctica, estimated age is very old, even before the solar system formed.

Each of these meteorites containing a silica (SiO2, the main ingredient of sand). Chemical markers granules are identical and very rare. Scientists suspect that the two grains originated from supernovae (exploding stars) single.

This type of supernova is thought to occur when a large star fails in nuclear fusion (two atomic nuclei join creates great energy), and finally Causing a giant explosion.

Scientists say this is the first time granules found in primitive meteorites. Different characteristics, the article contained in a silica oxygen species.

Previous studies have found a handful of meteorites containing granules of silica enriched with oxygen -17. Meterorit was thought to have come from stars that are still alive in the universe.

While the two rare granules found in research, contains levels of oxygen are heavier, oxygen -18. These levels be identified formed from the supernova.

Need Mikrokuar

Uniquely, this silica is very small, invisible naked eye. Pierre Haenecour, Researchers from the University of Washington, the U.S. Expressed to see one point, it took 50 Nanosim ion mikrokuar tool that can magnify objects up to 20 thousand times.

Grains were found by Xuchao Zhao, Scientists at the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Beijing, China. In a meteoroit found by the Chinese Antarctic Research Expedition.

Haenecour found the formation of the material requires the mixing process the complex coating material from the star as it exploded.

Given the process of mixing of oxygen -18 very specific, Investigators suspect the two grains of silica that come from the same supernova.

Researchers think the shock waves of supernovae causes rotation of the gas clouds and dust and compacted, before finally producing planets of the Solar System.

Supernova also sprinkle the clouds with material and some material that might end in meteorites.

This research was presented in detail in a paper edition of the Astrophysical Journal Letters May 1.


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