Saturday, May 25, 2013

Internet 4G "700 MHz" of Indonesia is very quick in 2018 years

Indonesia asked to utilize the 700 MHz frequencies for mobile services by 2015, stated the representative of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) for Digital Development, Suvi Linden. "We want to convey the process of harmonization of the 700 MHz frequency will be open access for poor people in rural areas not reached by the Funny, "Linden said in a press conference in Jakarta, Thursday (23/05/2013), as quoted by Antara

Linden with the GSM Association (GSMA) said the Government of Indonesia, through the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, is committed to using 700 MHz frequency for cellular technology after 2018. "But there are obstacles, such as analog television programming providers do not want to move as soon as possible. Besides other ministries and government-wide harmonization is necessary to explain the significance of the frequency for the Indonesian economy," said Senior Director of GSMA, Chris Perera. 

 In Indonesia, 700MHz frequencies now used for analog television broadcasts. The government is doing television digitization program, which will remove analog television. This program will be completed at the end of the 2017 fastest. So, if the government and mobile operators want to roll out LTE in 700MHz, have to wait until 2017.

Perera said that the frequency of 700 MHz in Indonesia have not been harmonized to digital technology and still use analog television broadcasting operators. Harmonization of frequency it, call Perera, the utilization frequency of 698 MHz to 806 MHz in the Asia Pacific region. "(Though) the frequency is harmonized digital dividend ie after the transfer of analog television to digital television requires a smaller canal," said Perera.  

Gains obtained when utilizing the frequency that reduces signal interference in areas bordering other countries, saving equipment costs due to the technical specifications of equipment used together with other countries in the region, as well as open up the potential for new business and new jobs. 

 Perera added that the low frequency such as 700 MHz is also able to reach out to a wider area because it requires fewer towers and penetrate buildings in urban areas. "you can open the technology long term evolution (LTE) or 4G in the 2.5 or 2.6 GHz frequency.

But it will be more expensive than done in the frequency of 700 MHz frequencies in addition to the ability to reach out to the border region, "said Linden. 

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