Thursday, May 2, 2013

Israel to Take Over Hamas-owned Al-Aqsa TV

Israeli soldiers forcibly took over a program based Hamas television station, Al-Aqsa TV in Gaza on Monday (19/11). Broadcast TV is typically waged a struggle that Hamas immediately changed this afternoon show tanyangan complaining about the Hamas fighters.

Al-Aqsa TV, Hamas's official station is located in Gaza. One of the broadcast footage showing images of violence from Israeli military attacks that have entered the sixth day in Palestine.

The Israeli military spokesman confirmed it. "We have taken over the Hamas television to broadcast warnings," he said. He added that the takeover would only last for a few hours.

An AFP correspondent in Gaza had time to capture impressions that display warning Israel. Israeli soldiers also warned international journalists to stay away from Hamas stronghold.

Sunday (18/11) and the Israeli army also took over Hamas radio broadcasts in Gaza for several hours. Takeover did after Israeli fighter jets bombarded two media buildings in Gaza. In the attack at least eight journalists were injured.


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