Thursday, May 9, 2013

Prompts Calls for Science in Islam

People are born and come into this world in a state of innocence, naked, blind science, although it is equipped with sensuous strength and can make arrangements to see and learn.
Allah swt. said:

"And Allah brought you out of your mother's nakedness in the state do not know anything, and He gave you hearing and sight and hearts, that ye may be grateful." (An-Nahl 78).
Then hearing, sight and sense are the tools that God has given to man to use the knowledge and are the windows through which one can visit to the extensive nature to know the secrets, then take advantage of what God has filled it to prosperity, happiness and the preservation of human life, creatures that are mandated to be His vicegerent on earth.
People who do not take advantage of God's gift and not use it according to its function, it should be classified into a number of animals, because they have wasted the gift of God to seek knowledge and knowledge as a shaper of human personality. Allah swt says.:
"And Verily We shall give to (the contents of Hell) most of jinn and humans, they are heartless, but failed to use to understand (the verses of Allah), and they have eyes (but) failed to use to see (the signs of Allah) , and they have ears (but) not spent on the hearing (the verses of Allah). they are like cattle, nay even more astray. That they are the heedless ones. "(Al-A'raf: 179).
Key science

Investigate the universe
Journey on earth God
That's the areas that can provide a lot of useful knowledge to humans, and are widely touted in the Qur'an to be a concern and materials investigation Muslims.
On the field reading, Allah says:
"Read with (call) the name of your Lord the Creator, He has created man from a clot. Read, and your Lord is the Most merciful, who taught (man) the perantaran kalam, He taught man what he did not know. "(Al-alaq 1-5).
"Nun, for the sake of kalam and what they write." (Nun 1).
Prophet. has offered an opportunity for the idolaters of Quraysh prisoners in the war Bad'r are not able to redeem himself with possessions, in order to teach reading and writing to ten Muslim children as ransom. It shows how the amount of attention which the Messenger of subjects reading and writing as key science.
On the recommendation to investigate the universe, Allah says:
"Say:" Behold all yaag is in the heavens and on earth. Useful not sign the power of God and the apostles were giving a warning for people who do not believe ". "(Yunus 101).
"And Do they not consider the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and everything that God created." (Al-A'raf: 185).
"Say:" Verily, I will warn you one thing, That ye to God (sincerely) in pairs or singly; later you Think (about God's creation). "(Saba '46).
"Verily in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day there are signs for people of understanding, (ie) those who remember Allah, standing, sitting, lying down and their objec think about the creation of the heavens and the earth (saying): "Our Lord, You have not created this in vain, thou holy Maha, then guard Us from the torment of hell." (Ali Imran 190-191).
Prophet. said after reading these verses: "Woe to those who read it and not think about."
About the suggestion that people are traveling around the earth Almighty God said:
"So Are they not walked the earth, and they have hearts with which they can understand or have ears with which they can be heard? because the truth is not the eyes that are blind, but blind are the hearts in the chest. "(Al-Hajj 46).
"And Have they not seen how God created (man) from the beginning, and then repeat it (again). Verily, that is easy for Allah. Say: "Walk on the (face) of the earth, Then see how God created (man) from the beginning, then God makes it once again. Allah hath power over all things." (Al 'Ankabuut 19-20).
Islam was not enough to just show the keys of science and the roads to get there. Islam even encourages people to actively and earnestly demanded of the chase and master all fields. Allah swt. said:
"My Lord, add science to me." (Thaaha 114).
It was narrated that the Messenger of Allah. after the fall of this verse prayed: "O God, teach me what use to me, and give me the benefit of what you taught me, and Increase ilmuku, praise be to Thee above all things."
People will not be satisfied with the level of knowledge that he has accomplished, but always trying to increase their knowledge, in contrast to his worldly needs. For whoever has been blessed with knowledge, then he has the gift of virtue from all corners:
Word of God Almighty.:.
"God grant Al Hikmah (the interfaith understanding about the Quran and the Sunnah) to whom He wills. and the person who was awarded the lessons, he really has been awarded many gifts. and the only people who can take a lesson berakallah (from the word of God). "(AlBaqarah 269).
No worldly wealth compared to its weight and wealth of knowledge, as the Messenger of Allah. said:

الدنيا ملعونة, ملعون ما فيها إلا ذكرالله وما والاه وعالما أو متعلما. (رواه الترمذى
"The world is cursed and cursed all of what was in it except those who make dhikr (remember) Allah, the pious and the demands of science." (Rw. Atturmudzi).
Because of the nature of envy (envy) is reprehensible in Islam, even if the target was praised science and knowledge. Prophet said.:

لا حسد الا فى اثنتين: رجل أتاه الله مالا فسلطه على هلكته فى الحق ورجل أتاه الله الحكمة فهو يقضى بها ويعلمها. (البخارى ومسلم
"There is no envy (envy) is allowed except against two targets, the people whom God has given riches and wealth are used to enforce the right and the truth and the people who dikarunniai God's knowledge and wisdom he taught other people and maketh guideline sentence verdict".
The Qur'an stipulates that the Apostles were sent by God assigned reading passages for humans, purify them with the moral teachings of the noble and high civilization and teach them the Book of Allah and wisdom (science). Allah says:
"He was the one who sent to an illiterate people a messenger among them, who read his verses to them, purify them and teach them the Book and Wisdom (the Sunnah). and the fact they were previously completely in error manifest, "(Al-Jumu'ah 2).
Pious man and the ignorant (blind science) is not the same position against God and in view of the public, as well as not the same judgment about matters of life. Allah says:

"Say:" Are the same people who know with those who do not know? ". (Az-Zumar 9).
People who are knowledgeable literacy (open) heart and soul are not knowledgeable people are blind are the hearts, souls and bua easily lost by the temptation of Satan. Allah swt. said:
"O ye who believe when ye say unto you:" charitable-lapanglah in the majlis ", then Allah will give Exert spaciousness for you. and when it is said: "Stand ye", then stand up, Allah will exalt those who believe among you and those who are given some degree of knowledge. and Allah knows what you do. "(Al-Mujadalah 11)
"Thus does Allah set a seal upon the hearts of those who do not (want to) understand." (Ar-Rum 59).

"Is there anyone who knows that what is revealed unto thee from thy Lord is the same as the person who is blind? only those reasonable people who can take a lesson, "(Arra'd 19).
People who do not give awards to the scholars, it is not worth claiming followers of Muhammad and the followers of Islam, as the words of the Prophet.:

ليس منا من لم يرحم صغيرنا ولم يوقر كبيرنا ويعرف لعالمنا حقه
"Not including our group who does not love a small and young among us and honor the big ones and the elderly as well as not to reward our scholars."
Allah swt., Gave high assessment to the testimony of each of the clergy and the testimony of the angels of the truth of His oneness, even incorporating the clergy to witness his testimony!
"Allah bears witness that there is no god but He (the right to be worshiped), which uphold justice. The Angels and the people of knowledge (also stating such). there is no god but He (worthy of worship), the Mighty, the Wise. "(Ali Imran 18).
"Infidels said:" You are not the one who made the Apostle ". Say: "Sufficient is Allah for a witness between me and you, and between those who had knowledge of the Book". (Ar-Ra'd 43).
And to find out how high appraisal of Islam towards science, the clerical, the pengajaranya and against his accusers, it can be proved with some traditions of the Prophet. as follows:

من سلك طريقا يطلب فيه علما سهل الله له طريقا إلى الجنة, وإن الملائكة لتضع أجنحتها لطالب العلم رضا بما يصنع, وإن العلماء ورثة الانبياء, وإن الانبياء لم يورثوا دينارا ولا درهما وإنماورثوا العلم فمن أخذه أخذ بحظ وافر. (رواه الترمذى)
"Whoever through the streets to demand knowledge, God oversimplify her way to heaven, and that the angels lay their wings to those who seek knowledge and willing as a sign of sympathy for the guy. And that the scholars are the inheritors of the prophets, for the prophets do not inherit property, but pass the science, then whoever let him capture a portion of the lot. "(Rw. Attermidzi).

من خرج ليطلب بابا من العلم فهو فى سبيل الله حتى يرجع. (رواه الترمذى
"Whoever came out looking for a science then he has not returned, he serves as a mijahid in the way of Allah." (Rw. Attermidzi).

إن الله وملائكته وأهل السموات والارض حتى النملة فى حجرها وحى الحوت ليصلون على معلم الناس الخير. (رواه الترمذى)
"The real God Almighty., His angels and the inhabitants of the heavens and the earth, to the extent that the ants in the pit and fish (at sea) are equally shalawat (pray) for those who teach kindness to fellow human beings." Rw . Attermidzi).

رحم الله خلفائ, قالت الصحابة: ألسنا خلفاءك يارسل الله? قال: أنتم أصحابى, وإنما خلفائ الذين يأتون بعدى يتعلمون سنتى وعلمو نها الناس نضرالله امرءا سمع مقالتى فوعاها ث أدا هاكما سمعها فرب مبلغ أوعى من سامع.
"Rasulullah said:" May God give grace to the Deputy-caliph ". Then the companions asked: "Are not we all a caliph-khalifahmu, O Messenger of Allah?" He replied: "You are my friends being caliph caliph are those who come after me, sunnatku learn and teach it to others."
"May God give light to those who have heard my story and remember and communicate to others exactly as he had heard it from me. Because sometimes people who ditabligi (dida'wahi) more memory and conscientious than those who hear it. "
Tabi'at become a believer that he will always pursue knowledge and increase their knowledge, and he will not stop as long as there is an opportunity to learn and gain knowledge, he seemed to greedy people who will never be satisfied.
Prophet said.:

لن يشبع مؤمن من خير حتى يكون منتهاه الجنة.
"A believer is not going to stop hearing good lesson until it reaches the end of his life in heaven." (Rw. Attermidzi).
Islam encourages its followers and advocate for science and knowledge demanding, because the ilmulah people can distinguish between Haq and falsehood, between good and evil, between wrong than right, between guidance and heresy, between good and bad, between what is beneficial and that madharat. And the science of the human mind that for instance the light to the eye, the eye without the light being blind.
Self-esteem and level position in a social life is determined by how far he has mastered the science and knowledge. Similarly, the rate of progress is something people in every field is determined by the level of intelligence of the congregation, and the extent to which the citizens have the knowledge. With ilmulah something people can improve their living standards, and develop strength prosperous people.
Narrated Sa'd ibn Mu'adh r.a. that the Messenger of Allah. said:

تعلموا العلم فإن تعلمه لله خشية وطله عبادة, ومذاكرته تسبيح والبحث عنه جهاد وتعليمه لمن لا يعلمه صدقة وبذله لأهله قربة لأنه معالم الحلال والحرام ومنارسبل أهل الجنة وهو الأنيس فى الوحشة والصاحب فى الغربة والمحدث فى الخلوة والدليل على السراء والضراء والسلاح على الأعداء والزين عند الأخلاء. يرفع الله به أقواما فيجعلهم فى الخير قادة تقتفى أثارهم ويقتدى بفعالهم وينتهى إلى رأيهم. ترغب الملائكة فى خلتهم وبأجنحتها تمسحهم ويستغفرلهم كل رطب ويابس وحيتان البحر وهوامه وسباع البحر وأنعامه, لأن العلم حياة القلوب من الجهل ومصابيح الأبصار من الظلم. يبلغ العبد بالعلم منازل الأخيار والدرجات العلا فى الدنيا والأخرة والتفكير فيه بعدل الصيام ومدارسته تعدل القيام به توصل الأرحام وبه يعرف الحلال من الحرام وهو إمام العمل والعمل تابعه يلهمه السعداء ويحرمه الأشقياء. (رواه ابى عبد البر موقوفا)
"Study the science because the study is part of the pious to Allah, demanded part of worship, discuss them as beads, memperdalaminya as jihad, teaching it to those who do not know it is a charity and give it to who should take an approach to God. Because the science of instructions for things licit and illicit, he lamp unto heaven travel expert. The science is in a lonely entertainers, friends in the colony, blab in seclusion, a guide at the time of pleasure and pain, a weapon against the enemy and fellow entertainers. With the knowledge of God raised families as leaders for the virtues that followed his tracks, their deeds are emulated and its opinions be heard. The angels crave companionship with the families and with their wings rubbed. For the families who have knowledge that all beings beristighfarlah wet and dry, fish, snakes, sea lions and animals. Because science is turn the hearts of ignorance and a spy for the light from the darkness. With knowledge one can attain the position of a servant of God those pious and high levels in the world and in the hereafter. Contemplating something similar scientific problems such as fasting and scientific berdarusan with worship at night. Science can be done with the relationship and the knowledge to know what is halal and what is haram. Science is a charity and charitable deeds priests are followers of science. Science is inspired by God to those who are happy and are not obtained by the wretched people and stunned. "(Ibn rw. Abdulbarr).
The knowledge that every Muslim should know, is: On revelation in accordance with what is in the book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger and to the teaching Aqeedah and Shari'ah, as the words of the Prophet.:

ألعلم ثلاثة: أية محكمة وسنة قائمة وفريضة عادلة
"Science is: Al-Qur'an (Aayatun mukhamah), Hadith Rasulullah (Sunnatun Qaimah) and Shari'ah (Faridhatun aadilah).
"Almighty God said Aqeedah Challenge.:

"So know, that sense there is no Ilah (god, God) except Allah." (Muhammad 19).
And concerning Shari'ah bersabdalah Prophet.:

طلب العلم فريضة على كل مسلم ومسلمة
"Demanding science is obligatory upon every Muslim and Muslimat".
Science that must be learned is the knowledge of what should be practiced, such as knowledge about the laws of prayer and of what is forbidden and permitted by religion. Similarly, all that is done without the reassuring knowledge base is a false worship (not valid) and never will be accepted.
Said Imam Ali bin Abi Talib r.a.

قصم ظهرى إثنان: جاهل متنسك وعالم متهتك
"Two men broke my back (annoying) I: A fool (not knowledgeable) is how to worship and pious people (knowledgeable) who openly adulterous.".
The branches of science that comes from revelation, is interpretation, hadith, history of prophets, monotheism, jurisprudence, Islamic history, Islamic law and Sufism. Besides Islam also urges its adherents to be my study of the branches of science dealing with the universe, such as physics, chemistry, astronomy, plants, life sciences, social and general history, because it's all people can gain knowledge and belief the greatness of God and His power and wisdom contained in what has been created.
Let us learn and reflect on what is contained in these verses the word of Allah swt. below:
"So Did they not see that there would be sky above them, how We have exalted and adorned the sky and it does not have the slightest crack? And the earth We spread out and we put thereon mountains firm and we grow all kinds of plants at her beautiful eyes, to be a lesson and a warning to every servant who returned (remembrance of Allah). And We send down water from the sky many benefits and We produce therewith trees and grain harvests, and the palm trees are high that Virgin has a composite-stacking, to be sustenance for the servants (We ), and we turn on the water the land of the dead (dry). That's like the resurrection. "(Qaf 6-11).
"And among the signs of His power is created the heavens and the earth and divergent language and skin color. Verily in that demikan really are Signs for those who know. "(Ar-Rum 22).
"Do you not see that Allah sends down rain from the sky and by it We bring forth fruits of varying colors. and in the mountains there are streaks of white and red color assortment and there (anyway) are black. And thus (also) among men, creeping things and beasts of cattle there is an assortment of colors (and types). Surely the fear of God among His servants, only clerics. Surely Allah is Mighty, Forgiving. "(Fatir 27-28).
"Then see traces of the grace of God, how God revive a dead earth. Real (God is ruling like) so truly (power) switch on the people who have died. and He has power over all things. "(Ar-Rum 50).
"Have you not seen that Allah drives the clouds, then joins them together (parts of) it, then make it in heaps, then was seen the rain ye out of the cracks and Allah (also) decrease (granules) of ice from the sky, ( ie) from (clouds like) mountains, then blamed him (granules) of ice was to whom He wills and deluded him from whom He wills. Clouds flash radiance that was almost eliminates vision. Mempergantikan God night and day. Verily in this there was a great lesson for people who have a vision. (Annuur 43-44).
"Then let people take notice of Is He created? He is created from water being emitted, which came out from between the loins of men and women sternum. "(Ath-Tariq 5-7). .
"And in the earth there are signs (power of God) for people who believe. And (also) in yourselves. So What do you think? "Adz Dzariaat 20-21).
"We will show them the signs (of power) We in all regions of the world and to themselves, until clear to them that the Qur'an is true. Seest enough that Thy Lord doth witness over all things? Remember that the fact they are in doubt about the meeting with their Lord. Verily, He is the Supreme remember that covers everything. "(Fushshilat 53-54).
Is not in the verses quoted above contained instructions calling for Muslims to study in depth the natural sciences, life sciences, plant sciences, social sciences and history? In addition, in many ways the verses that contain commands to learn these sciences are the words "wasakhkhara" which means "bow", namely that Allah swt. have lowered what he has created in the heavens and the earth with all the content and its contents to be used by humans, mainly being assigned to His vicegerent on earth.
So bright that people will not be able to take advantage of what has been created by God, if he does not know in detail, knowing secrets, methods of excavation and use it in ways appropriate to their needs for the preservation of life and happiness.
Islamic scholars have agreed that the study and explore the branches of science that are related to human life and to the development of techniques which are basic needs for the people something, no exception is military science and defense is a "fard kifayah".
Meaning is fard kifayah, an obligation imposed upon a group of people as a whole, but enough if implemented by most of the citizens group. However, if the obligation to not happen, then all members of the group containing sin.
Thus, so far concerning a nation or a country mainly guided by Islamic law, would sinner leaders and rulers who are responsible, when fard kifayah which is the basis referred to above and the joint life of a nation and abandoned dialpakan not happen.

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