Thursday, May 9, 2013

Meaning of Love, Source and Jealousy in Islam

A lot of people talk about this issue but it is not in accordance with the truth. Or not explain the limits and meaning in Sharai. And when someone came out of those restrictions. And as if that block to discuss this issue is wrong with the understanding that the discussion of this issue related to morality is low and related to adultery, cruel words. And this is wrong. The three cases are related to something that motivates people to keep and encourage honor and glory. I looked at the most important talks is the limit, deviation, goodness, and ugliness. These three sentences exist in every human heart, and they give meaning of these three things according to what they interpret.

Love (Al-Hubb)
Love the Al-Widaad the tendency for the heart to be loved, and that includes careful practice, not the practice of limbs / dhahir. Marriage is not going to be happy and useful unless there is love and affection between husband and wife. And the key is the view of love. Therefore, the Prophet Sawmenganjurkan the people who propose to look at the groom to arrive at a consensus and love, as we have explained in chapter two.
It's been narrated by Imam Ahmad and Nasa'i from ibn Mughirah Su'bah ra said: "I have proposed marriage to a woman", the Prophet Sawbertanya to me: "Have you seen him? 'I said:" No ", then he said: "And now, behold him, for surely it will eventually be adding compatibility and affection between the two of you"
Indeed we know that most of the people, especially young men and women, they are afraid to talk about "love", even thought the discussion of love in general they are matters to be rejected because they feel that love to face with sin and their beliefs think they are adulterous, even one of them looked at, when her leaning on someone means he has sinned.
In fact, that here a lot of confusion-confusion in their understanding of "love" and anything that grows out of love, of relationships between men and women. Where they think that love is an immoral, for he understands that love of anything he saw from the men and women broken broken them enforce that relationship is prescribed. They were sitting, overnight, joking with each other, dancing with each other, and have a drink, even until they fornicate under the slogan of love. They thought that 'love' is not no other way except that it is. But it was not so, but just the opposite.
Indeed the tendency of a man to a woman and her tendency to lust of a man's lusts that God hiaskan in humans in matters of love. It means that God made in the lust of anything that caused the man's heart tends to the woman, as the words of Allah:
["Beautiful Made in (view) human love for what is desired, namely: women, children, ..."] Ali-'Imran: 14
God who decorate for man's lust for love, then love her man with great love, and it has been mentioned in the hadith that the Prophet said:
["Given me a love of your world: women and perfume and made my eyes in prayer Conditioning"] Reported by Ahmad, Nasa'i, Hakim and Bayhaqi.
Suppose there is no love for men in women or vice versa, then no marriage, no offspring and no family. However, Allah does not make a man love a woman or vice versa in order to foster the relationship between them is forbidden, but to enforce the laws that disyari'atkan the married wife, as stated in the hadeeth of Ibn Majah, from Abdullah ibn Abbas ra said: have said Prophet:
["There were two people who love each other, like a wedding"]
And that the Islamic people stay off the roads damaged or cruel, God sent the first time in order to subdue the view, because 'the view' that the key heart, and God has forbidden all the causes that led to the slander, and the abomination, like to be with people who are not mahram, touched each other, shaking hands, kissing between men and women, as the case may cause liver condongnya. So when the heart has been inclined, he would be hard pressed to hold the soul after it, except that Allah blessed.
That God will not torture people in his tendencies. However, humans will be tortured with it because if the trend followed by deeds-deeds that are forbidden. For example: if a man and woman looking at each other or sit alone or story length, then cenderunglah liver both with each other and love each other, then the inclination is not going to lead to punishing them, because it is related to the liver, the human being is not able to master his heart. However, both are punished for what he did. And because both do the causes which convey the 'love', as the case we have mentioned. And both will be held tajawab, and will be tortured also of any prohibition which he did after that.
The pure love that kept his honor, there is no blame on him, it has been mentioned olsebagian scholars like Imam Suyuti, that people who love someone then keep her honor and she hid her love then she be rewarded, as will be explained in our remarks in the chapter ' misses'. And in a state of absolute truth, most survivors are away from all the causes that plunged heart in communion of love, and deliver on the many dangers, but ..... very few survivors.
Longing (al-'ishq)
Missed it the love of the exaggerated, and there are missed, along with keeping themselves and some are followed by lows. Then the miss is not absolutely despicable and vile. But it could be someone who missed it, along with keeping yourself longing and purity, and there are sometimes missed it with humility and humiliation.
As already mentioned, in our speech about love then missed too like that, including the heart practice, that people are not able to master it. But human beings will be judged on the causes that are forbidden and the results are illegitimate. The misses were accompanied by keeping away from him and hide those, then reward him, even Ath-Thohawi Haasyi'ah quoting the book of Imam Suyuti Marakil Falah said that including the group of martyrs in the Hereafter are those who die in longing while maintaining self respect and hidden from the people even though it arises from the desire to be rejected as the discussion of the case in matters of love.
Suyuti utterance meaning are the ones who harbored longings both men and women, while maintaining the honor and the desire to hide because he was not able to get what she missed and the patient desires it to death because it so he got shaheed reward in the Hereafter. It is not strange if people understand it's patience in not yearning in the following kefajiran lust and he is not a person who harasses poor human dignity even he was a patient, keep yourself though in his heart there is no link with the strength and the dirindui, he hold violence his soul, because he's connective limbs under his control. As for himself he could not control it so he is patient with attitude afaf (keep away) and the desire to hide so that he gets the reward.
Jealousy (Al-Ghairah)
Jealous hatred is equaled by a person to another person within his rights, and it is a result of the fruit of love. So there is no jealousy except for the person who loves. And jealous that includes a good nature and a part of the noble, both in men or women.
When a woman is jealous so he will be very upset when her husband intends to marry her this nature. Because women will not accept honey as jealousy of her husband, she was delighted when preferred, because she loves her husband. If he does not love her husband, she will not care (see chapter I). We emphasize again here that a woman will refuse honey, but may not refuse Sharai law about polygamy bolehnya. Her rejection of the honey because of the turmoil of jealousy, while the rejection and denial of Sharai law will not happen unless due to negligence and error. The woman who shalihah, he will receive the Shari'a laws without hesitation, and he believes that there are all her kindness and wisdom. She still has her husband's jealousy and hostility towards honey.
We say to Muslim women in particular, that there is a lovely angel eyes that Allah made them for the believers in heaven. So Muslimat women should not deny the existence of 'angel' for the believers or deny these things, because the impulse jealous. So we said to him:

He does not know if he would be with him in heaven or not.
That jealousy does not exist in heaven, as there is in the world.
That Allah Ta'ala has specialized also for women with pleasures that they ridlai, although we do not know in detail.
Heaven is a place that pleasures have not been seen by the eye, heard by ear and memorized the human heart, as the word of Allah
["Yet no one knows what is hidden for them (an assortment of favors) which menyedapkan eyes in response to what they have done"] As-Sajdah: 17
Therefore, no one knows what is hidden for them of maidens Conditioning eyes in response to anything they do. And in heaven gained pleasures for believers and the believing women from anything they want, and also earned dishes, and will be a blessing to each other between the two completely. It is obligatory for both of them (husband-wife) in the world for pious deeds in order to obtain full happiness in heaven with Allah's pleasure and mercy of a very noble giver of grace.
As for the jealousy of a man to his family and his honor, then it is 'required and mandatory' including liability for him as a man to be jealous of his honor and glory. And with this jealousy, will reject the munkar in his family. As an example of her jealousy at his wife and children, that is by not willing to have them naked and unmasked in front of men who are not mahram, joking with them, until as if the man's brother or his children.
Strangely that jealousy like this, in our days is considered an extreme-fanatics, and others. But the surprise will be lost when we mentioned that the man in our day have to live with the ugly western customs. And be advised that the western society in general does not know the meaning of shame, honor and glory do not know, because the permissive (permisivisme), indulgence in sensual freedom alone. So those who admire the morality-the morality of the west does not want to pay attention to the morality of Islam is built on the grounds of guard of honor, glory and virtue.
Verily the Messenger of Allah has mensifati a man who is not jealous of her family with bad traits, namely 'Dayyuuts'. Indeed there is the hadith narrated by Imam Ath-Thabraani of Amar bin Yasir ra, as well as of Al-Hakim, Ahmad and Bayhaqi from Abdullah bin Amr ra, from the Prophet that there are three groups who will not enter paradise ie drinkers khomr, lawless people old and dayyuts. Then the Prophet describes dayyuts, that is, those who leave their families in atrocities or damages, and prohibition.

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