Thursday, May 9, 2013

Tenderness over propaganda

When his Lord called him in the sacred valley of the Loire is Tuwa; "Go ye to the Pharaoh, surely he has exceeded the limit, and say (unto Pharaoh): "Is there a desire for you to rid themselves (of misguidance) ". And you will kupimpin to the Lord so that that ye should fear Him? "(Surah An Nazi'at: 16-19)
Meaning of the word fragment Allaah above signaled to us that a preacher should speak the truth with gentleness and wisdom. Therefore, the Prophet Moses' peace be upon are still commanded to warn Pharaoh gently more wise though Pharaoh has positioned himself as God. This is the glory of preaching in Islam that upholds the values ​​of gentleness in social interaction. Therefore, no appropriate when preaching delivered by way of rough again injure Shari'a rules. Propaganda is the activity of calling to goodness, not forced by violence.
Unfortunately, we often encounter the terciderai propaganda by the behavior of the propagators. Wrong One example is what friends complained in a meeting. He told me, "I have a neighbor who dress Sharai. However, the public would never scolds sapa let alone say hello. Unfortunately society becomes less like, but he diligently worship in the mosque. If so, how can we preach? "Acts like this may not be new in the life around us, but unfortunately still continues to happen. Propaganda is often not conveyed to the public not because of the content of his message, but the behavior cerobah dai the less maintain the values ​​prevailing in society. Sometimes, a hard propagators and outstanding ballpark but with his own family. If so, the call would be something hated by the public. In fact Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala has said, which means
"Call upon (men) to your Lord with wisdom way (gently) and lessons good and bantahlah them in a good way. "(Surah An-Nahl: 125)
Every preacher should mengedapankan meek attitude in presenting the truth because Allaah is the One who loves gentleness. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said this to 'Aisha and wife he sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam which means:
"Verily Allah is the One of the Most Gentle who loves gentleness in the entire case. "(Narrated by Al Bukhari and Muslim)
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam also said that it means,
"Verily, Allah is All-Gentle longer loves gentleness. He gave the softness properties that are not given to the nature of violence, and not also given to the properties others. "(Narrated by Muslim)
At home, every man likes gentleness in all affairs. Try our note, a mother who was so gentle and caring teach their children. If only the mother not gentle with their children then the children will suffer. So also with propaganda. When propaganda was delivered not by way of gentle and according to the rules of religion, of many people that will go away. Not because of the material presented propaganda but rudeness dai delivered da'wah. (Abu Yusuf Zain Az)

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