Monday, May 6, 2013

This World's First Web Page

April to the end of a special day in the course of communication technology. Yes, April 30 is an important milestone in the history of the development of global communications. On that date, the domain for the first time the World Wide Web (www) into the public domain.

Who Web page display for the first time? Is CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, known first institution to introduce a WWW domain to be accessible to all people around the world freely, without royalties.

The Verge launch, May 1, 2013, a research institute based in Switzerland was recorded as the first viewer web pages on 30 April 1993, exactly 20 years ago.

As a historical marker, the CERN team start a new project. That is the first Web site to revive the original URL.

A copy of a simple web page CERN output in 1992, had previously been available on the W3C server. But, now that the original Web page back to the original location.

Reported pages, CERN's Web developed British physicist Tim Berners-Lee in 1989 under the name World Wide Web project.

The project was originally conceived and developed to meet the demand for physicists to share information between universities and research institutes around the world.

"According to the business research and education, the Web has been reshaping the way we communicate, work, innovate and life.'s Right is an example of the benefits of the study of humanity," said Rolf Heuer, Director General of CERN.

The first Web site dedicated to the World Wide Web project and held on NeXT computers owned by Berners-Lee.

It is conceivable, how the form of the current website. This website describes the basic features of the Web, namely how to access the documents of others and how to set up a server on their own.

Unfortunately, though the NeXT machine is currently still at CERN, the world's first Web site is no longer online at its original address.

Step was also the site of return as well as efforts to preserve all CERN digital assets associated with the birth of the world's first Web.

The archive will be incorporated into page to become history for future generations.


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