Thursday, May 2, 2013

U.S. Condemns Violence in Venezuelan parliament

The U.S. government on Wednesday (1/5), condemned the clashes that occurred on Tuesday (30/4) in the Venezuelan parliament, and described the riots as "totally inappropriate".

"Let me tell clearly, unrest has no place in a democratic system of representation, and especially inappropriate in the national assembly," said a spokesman for the U.S. State Department Patrick Ventrell in a briefing.

"We are very concerned at all by the riots," said Ventrell, which urged all parties in Venezuela to refrain from violence.

Clashes occurred in the Venezuelan parliament on Tuesday. A number of legislators injury, amid rising tensions on the results of the presidential election - which is being disputed. Members of the opposition and the ruling parties at each other during the fight, each side accusing the other party start riots.

Venezuelan National Electoral Council (CNE) on April 15 officially announced Nicolas Maduro as president-elect for the 2013-2019 term, after confirming his victory in the presidential election held the day before. CNE rejected claims of fraud Henriqu Capriles, the presidential candidate of the opposition coalition. Maduro was sworn in as the new President of Venezuela on April 19.

Washington, which has not been publicly acknowledged Maduro as the new President of Venezuela, has prompted the re-counting ballots.

CNE on Monday (29/4) start counting partial ballots in the presidential election.
"To raise greater confidence about the vote tally, we think is good for all institutions and for Venezuela Venezuelans to do that and check the irregularities," said Ventrell at the press conference on Wednesday (1/5), as quoted refer Xinhua.Ia the re-counting process that is ongoing.

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