Thursday, May 2, 2013

U.S. Prepares Military Option for Syria

Syria had violated the U.S. tolerance limits (U.S.). It was affirmed by the U.S. President Barack Obama in a White House news conference, Tuesday (30/4). According to Obama, the U.S. had evidence that Syrian government forces had used chemical weapons to fight against  his own people. Because of this, the White House was deciding to do something to stop the forces of action in favor of President Bashar al-Assad is. On that occasion, Obama implicitly stated, the U.S. military is ready to drop the option to topple Assad.

Related to that, he had asked the Pentagon and security agencies to prepare if Syria really crossed the line alias to use chemical weapons. However, so far the United States can not ensure that chemical weapons were used. It is certain, said Obama, it has had an important fact related to the use of chemical weapons.

He fully expected the international community to know this so that option will be supporting the U.S.. Although there was a possibility the U.S. will choose a military option, Obama looks to be very careful in choosing the words in the press conference. '' Such options are now available and ready for use.'' Option was, he said, will be applied to provide the best solution for Syria.

However, not all Americans agree with the president's wishes. Polls show many U.S. communities who do not want their country back to war. In other words, they do not want the U.S. to use military force in Syria.

Unlike the U.S., the Syrian government rejected the allegations of chemical weapons use. In contrast, the opposition accused the Syrian regime that has used chemical weapons. As said the Syrian ambassador to the UN, Bashar Jaafari, the opposition forces using chemical weapons attack when near Idlib city. Them, Jaafari said, is trying to create the impression that the use of chemical weapons is the government forces.

The rebel group, said Jaafari, spreading the contents of the bag of powder which is most likely a chemical weapon. Deed, he continued, so vile and tarnish the name of Syria. '' The international community is also affected by it,'' he said.

Even so, the Syrian government rejected UN chemists to investigate the possible use of a dangerous weapon. In this case, the government is only giving a slight gap, which is about the use of chemical weapons by the rebels in Aleppo, the end of March. However, the UN and the West wanted proof other than what is allowed Syria.

A true friend

When the U.S. poised to attack Syria, another case with the militant group Hezbollah in Lebanon. Instead, they pledged allegiance to continue to support the Government of Syria. Support was announced by the leader of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, in a speech broadcast on Hezbollah's television station, al-Manar.
Affirmed Nasrallah, Hezbollah's Syria is a true friend. Leader of the Shia group also said the rebels would not be able to overthrow the Assad government by force.

Nasrallah's speech indicates, Hezbollah would be ready to help Syria if the situation is really critical. Earlier, Hezbollah helping Syrian troops in a village near the Lebanese border.

In that speech, Nasrallah also said allegations that Syria has been using chemical weapons is an international pressure. It's the same as the U.S. had done in Iraq.

Instead, he worried, the main purpose of the alleged use of chemical weapons it is attacking Syria. Then, eliminate Syria from the Arab region and eliminate its role in the resolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict. '' They do not want a strong stand Syrian state, but want (Syria) as a failed state with no control or resource.'' Therefore, Nasrallah promised to help Syria so as not to fall into the hands of the U.S. or Israel. n Loulembah emrald alamsyah ed: wachidah Handasah


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