Saturday, June 22, 2013

Bathing reason Mayit

Why the deceased should be bathed? Because basically dead person can not bathe themselves. This answer is not a joke answer. But the answer of glasses fiqh. Because actually bathe deceased is a demand for those who are still living with the deceased reasons inability to bathe himself. Thus described in Tuhaftul Habib, Juz 2. 

ولايرد على الاكتفاء بتغسيل الميت نفسه كرامة ان المخاطب غيره بذلك لأنانقول إنماخوطب غيره لعجزه أى الميت فاذا اتى به خرقا للعادة اكتفى به اذ المدار على وجوده من جنس المكلف

Therefore if a dead person is able to bathe himself, then fell off family obligations surviving relatives. And it is considered valid. Like that ever happened to Abdullah al-Wali Allah karomah Manufi and Al-Badawi Quthbus Syahir Sayyidil Ahmadil, qaddasallahu siraahuma.

This incident is a testament to the advantages possessed by the famous auliyaullah karomah name. Thus embodied in Kasyifatus Only:

ولو غسل نفسه كرامة كفى كما وقع لسيد أحمد البدوى أمدنا الله بمدده

And if (deceased) bathe himself is considered sufficient. As ever happened to karomah Sayyid Ahmad al-Badawi amaddanallahu bimadadihi. 

But for the deceased who are unable to bathe themselves, then for the relatives left behind have to bathe her, as mengafani, meshalati and mengkuburkannya. 

It just needs to be understood first bahwasannya reason to bathe deceased are not the same by reason of washing dishes or clothes aimed at eliminating unclean and sanctified. 

Because it's not actually contain hadats deceased, and deceased nor unclean items. 

However, the reason deceased bathe more on respect. As stated in the book IQNA 'that there are three reasons purification, to remove impure, or even eliminate hadats to respect: 

وجه الدلالة أن الطهارة اما لحدث اوخبث اوتكرمة ولاحدث على الإناء ولاتكرمة فتعينت طهارة الخبث

Thus information about the deceased bathe reasons, which must be understood for all good Muslims who will be bathed and were about to bathe themselves. Wallau knows best (red. Ulil H) 


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