Monday, June 10, 2013

Cyborg, Robot Future Soldier?

Middle of the night in 1984, Los Angeles. Instantaneous burst of firearms destroyed one party club in the heart of the city. Sparkling atmosphere suddenly became sinister. Tense. People lay on the floor, stumbling, crawling toward the exit, dodging stray bullets. Terror, hysterical screams and broken glass scattered everywhere.

Stocky male figure looks sketchy. Solid body, his eyes sharp highlight. Carrying a long-barreled weapon, cold-faced man looked ready memberondongkan bullets. Later known, he is a cyborg sent from the year 2029 to kill a girl named Sarah Connor.

Connor hunted because it would conceive a son named John, who in the future will be the leader of the resistance movement to eradicate aka machine cyborg army. Action romp happen. Connor who do not know anything, trying to escape.

Long story short, the mission has failed cyborg also intercepted another cyborg sent from the future to save Connor. Two robots fight the inevitable. Cyborg assassin was subdued. Connor was saved.

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