Sunday, June 16, 2013

New trend of Japanese Youth: Eye Ball Lick Girlfriend

There is a strange habit that is now often done by the Japanese youths to show his love for girlfriend. They often lick the eyeball pair as a sign of affection and love.

According to the Daily Mail, the unique habit of potentially health-threatening eye if done often. Custom called "oculolinctus" This can result in inflammation of the eyes so that the eyes become red.

Even in some severe cases, can lead to blindness. This strange habit, came to light when a teacher is using which pseudonym "Mr. Y" write it on a site called Naver Matome.

He writes that his experience inadvertently caught two students in the gym equipment room.

"One day after class, I went to the gym equipment room and found the door in the open state. When I went inside, I saw the eyes and their faces close together. When I look more closely at student turns licking the man's eyes female students, "wrote Mr. Y.

Surprised at the events, teacher Y then shouted and ordered the action was stopped.

"Then the second student was surprised. Female students then crying, while male students participated shocked and embarrassed," he said.

Suddenly the story was circulated in cyberspace through a Twitter account by the reader. But according to the site Naver Matome, this strange habit of concern when school teachers realize there are 10 students in the class learn the circumstances right eye bandaged.

Also America

The school also has brought out one-third of 12-year-old student there claimed to have licked their partner's eyes. But habit is not only crowded oculolinctus done in Japan.

The United States did not come up. A student from the Virgin Islands, Elektrika Energias admitted to the Huffington Post website that she enjoys when her boyfriend licking his eyes.

"My girlfriend started licking my eyeball a few years ago and I loved it. Indeed, today we are no longer together, but I still ask her current boyfriend to lick my eyeball," said Energias.

Energias admitted to liking his balls licked as it can make it passionate.

"Just like when sucking my thumb, it really made me amused," added Energias.

Medical side

Medical reports said eyeball licking habit is very risky to the health of the eye. According to reports Medical Daily, if the person is licking bubonic disease, then the disease can be transmitted to the partner.

Additionally eyes licking habit, can transmit the bacteria that cause red eye. It is also recognized by dr. David Granet, an optometrist in San Diego, USA.

According to Granet, no positive effects that can be given of habit couples licking eyeballs.

"There are bumps on the tongue that may cause abrasion of the cornea and if someone did not clean their mouth by gargling and brushing your teeth diligently, then allowing acid from citrus fruit or food containing spices into the eye," said Granet to Huffington Post.

Meanwhile, according to dr. Phillip Rizzuto of the American Academy of Ophthalmology adding licking eyeball can cause blindness due to bacteria found in eye damage eye tissue.


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