The first command as President Sukarno
Soekarno figure has a unique story that invites a thousand smiles. I wonder what the first orders of President Sukarno when he became President?
A day after the independence of the Republic of Indonesia on August 17, 1945, the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence (PPKI) convened. They set as the first President Soekarno and Mohammad Hatta as vice president of RI.
Soekarno figure has a unique story that invites a thousand smiles. I wonder what the first orders of President Sukarno when he became President?
A day after the independence of the Republic of Indonesia on August 17, 1945, the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence (PPKI) convened. They set as the first President Soekarno and Mohammad Hatta as vice president of RI.
No fierce debate in the assembly on Road Building in Jalan van Indie Pejambon it. Quite simply, PPKI choose Soekarno as president. In stark contrast to the House plenary session in full fanfare, protests and gontok-quarrel.
The story is told in his biography written Soekarno Cindy Adams' Bung Karno, Indonesia mouthpiece People's Bung Karno Foundation published in 2007.
"Well we've been stateless since yesterday. And a country requires a President. Soekarno What if we choose?"
Sukarno also said, "All right."
It's that simple. Then be the first President Soekarno. The new state his name for the rest day, no cars drove Sukarno presidency. Sukarno then went home on foot.
"On the street I met with satay handyman who trade on the sidewalk. His Excellency President of the Republic of Indonesia call it barefoot merchants and implementation of the first orders issued. Satay chicken skewers 50!" Sukarno said.
That was the first president of the RI command. "50 chicken satay skewers!"
Soekarno then squatting on the edge of the gutter near a dumpster. Crouched, His Excellency the President of the Republic of Indonesia was spending 50 chicken satay skewers with gusto. That's inaugural celebration party as President.
When Sukarno returned home, he expressed himself was elected as president on Fatmawati, his wife. Fatmawati not jumping for joy. Fatmawati tells the will of his father before he died.
"On the night before the father died, leaving only two of us who have not slept. I squeeze it to ease the pain, when suddenly he said, 'I saw a sign in psychotherapy that soon ... in the near future ... my son will stay in a large palace and white. 'So it does not surprise me. Three months ago, Mr. had predicted, "said Fatmawati calm.
Sukarno was meant to be a great person with all the story.
Soekarno love of the nation's cultural
One by one the culture of Indonesia continues to be claimed by Malaysia. Start of Angklung, Reog, dance tor-tor until motif. Irony, when the first President of the Republic of Indonesia, Sukarno, was known to love the culture of Indonesia.
Since childhood, Soekarno puppet love story. He memorized many wayang stories since childhood. While still in school in Surabaya, Sukarno was willing to stay up if there are all-night wayang. He also likes to draw puppet on her slate.
Currently detained in any prison Banceuy wayanglah stories that give strength to Sukarno. Inspired by Billy Glass, Soekarno confident the truth will prevail, despite having lost many times before. He believes someday the Dutch colonizers will be defeated by the struggle of the Indonesian people.
"Puppet show in the cell is not only fun and cheer. He also soothe and empower myself. Black shadows in my head evaporate like fog and I can sleep soundly with the affirmation of faith. Whereas the good will triumph over evil , "said Soekarno in his biography, written by Cindy Adams' Bung Karno, Indonesia mouthpiece People's Bung Karno Foundation published in 2007.
Sukarno not only love of Javanese culture. He also admired dances from around the country. Sukarno also so amazed by the welcome dance performed by people of Papua.
For the love of the arts and culture Sukarno, the State Palace filled with a variety of paintings, sculptures and other art objects. Each went to the area, Soekarno always looking for something unique from the area.
He appreciates all artists, to gamelan. Soekarno will take the time to talk about art and culture every morning, in addition to talking politics.
Moments were relegated at the Bogor Palace after G-30S/PKI, Soekarno kill time with mengiventarisir keroncong music popular in the 1930s that first and then disappeared. For his hard work and some artists keroncong, Sukarno managed to save some work keroncong.
If you hear a play Malaysia claims, may be repeated speech Sukarno when Dwikora. Aloud, the orator will burn the spirit of the people to keep what we have.
If we are hungry it is common If we are ashamed of it too ordinary But if we are hungry or ashamed because Malaysia, cheeky!
Muster troops to Borneo Malayan snot beat it! O'clock and do not brush the ground and the air we trampled by Malaysian damn
Wish me luck, I'm off to battlefield fighting as a patriot nation, as a nation and as a martyr who refused Nations bullet trampled dignity.
Calls for calls for throughout the country that we would unite against this humiliation we will reply to this treatment, and we show that we still have strong teeth and we also still have dignity.
When the Dutch forced Bung Karno carry bikes
There's just a funny story that comes from the Bung Karno, proclaimer who was born on June 6, 1901 and died on June 21, 1970. A funny story told by his wife Fatmawati. Fatmawati be the First Lady of Indonesia from 1945 to 1967 and is the 3rd wife of Sukarno. Fatmawati also known for his service in the Flag heirloom sewing the flag was also flown at the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence ceremony in Jakarta on August 17, 1945.
Fatmawati admit sometimes time there than innate cuteness Soekarno. When Bung Karno was funny, so he made laugh. According Fatmawati, Bung Karno never tell if he was happy joked. Glad to hear and tell funny. Bung Karno and cuteness cuteness is not a clown, but the attitude eccentric thinker.
According Fatmawati, when police followed Bung Karno Netherlands, the Dutch police was forced to carry his bike. Bung Karno know that he always followed by Dutch soldiers. Little Bung Karno unlawful, Netherlands quickly sent him to the jail. Precisely because they know the police can not take my eyes off the Dutch followed suit, making him often playing the Dutch police.
At that time, Bung Karno was cycling, a police officer followed him from behind. Bung Karno deliberately not speed up the pace of his bike. He ramped up to take it. The Dutch police were also relaxed to follow from a distance. Suddenly it occurred to make the police it was a hassle. On the edge of rice fields, Bung Karno stop and leave his bike there. Then Bung Karno walk climbing the embankment, toward a settlement rather far away, where a friend lived. Bung Karno know, the bike will not be a taking.
"Bung Karno know, the police did not dare let him out of her sight. Mandatory stalking Soekarno He continues," Fatmawati story excerpted from the book The Young Bung Karno 'Publisher: Inter-City Library Foundation, Jakarta, 1978.
But the difficulty now is the bike should not be left alone like the bike Bung Karno. Discipline prohibits the Dutch police to leave his bike in the street. Eventually the police had to carry his bike while climbing the embankment of a wobble. The police occasionally go kejeblos mud fields with a fairly heavy load. He did not dare let the Bung Karno roam freely outside its control.
While Bung Karno had thought it was bad just naughty pursue long embankment towards the township. Him with merry way, while behind the police followed him furiously.
Those are some pieces that are sometimes funny Soekarno deeds, according to Fatmawati often made him laugh to hear it.
When Soekarno Hatta kencingi
Dated August 8, 1945, the supreme leader of the Japanese troops in Southeast Asia, General Terauchi Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta call to Vietnam. Terauchi did not explain what he meant. This makes Soekarno and Hatta to wonder.
They departed, accompanied by 20 high-ranking Japanese military. Plane carrying crowded Soekarno. But nobody wants to talk about the reason for the call.
It turns out the meeting with the Soekarno-Hatta in Dalath Terauchi is very important in Indonesian history. Japan claims will not hinder the independence of Indonesia. Japan realized they had defeated the Allies. Changing conditions of warfare altogether. Japan was defeated in an all-out World War II in the Pacific.
The story is told in his biography written Soekarno Cindy Adams' Bung Karno, Indonesia mouthpiece People's Bung Karno Foundation published in 2007.
Then to bring good news and then returned to Indonesia Sukarno and Hatta. This time they are not a good passenger plane as he was before. They are already on a plane bomber wreck. Many shot holes in the fuselage.
The plane also does not have a seat. The passengers sit on the floor or lying down. There is also no heating, so that the passengers shivering. Worse, there is also a small room.
Well, that was the problem, when it's Soekarno to pee. He whispered to Suharto, his personal physician.
"I want to piss. What should I do?" Soekarno whispered.
Suharto also confused, no restroom. Then he pointed to the tail full of shot holes. "There is no place, so there is no other way. Dude had to pee in there," said Suharto.
"All right. I walked slowly to the back of the plane and wreak hajatku. And I started a new, harsh winds slammed through the bullet holes and the water spraying all over the room air. My friends were poor with the bath water special, "beber Sukarno.
When landing in Jakarta, the nation's leaders were still wet with urine half of the leader of the revolution. Not explained how the Hatta and others when exposed to urine Soekarno.
Soekarno cheat Netherlands with eggs and the Qur'an
Activity time of Sukarno political movement in the mid 1920s made him a target of the Netherlands. Since moving to London to continue his study, gestures Bung Karno closely watched. Until later in the month of December 1929 Young Bung Karno in jail.
Bung Karno moved to Bandung from Surabaya in 1920. He continued his education to THS (Technische Hoogeschool or Technical College which is now the ITB). In 1926 when he was graduated and degree engineers, Bung Karno founded the Algemene Studie Club in London. This organization became the forerunner of the National Party of Indonesia was established in 1927. Sukarno's PNI activity in this will keep him in jail and then transferred to Banceuy Sukamiskin in 1930.
Soekarno economic life while in London is very alarming. She married Inggit Garnasih 1923. Sukarno never worked professionally income generation. More time is spent on political activities.
While incarcerated, Sukarno to rely on his wife. Whole needs supplied by Inggit assisted by older brother Sukarno, Sukarmini or better known as Mrs. Ward.
When transferred to the prison Sukamiskin, supervision of Sukarno increasingly hard and tight. He is classified as a dangerous prisoner. Even to isolate Sukarno in order not to receive information from the outside, he combined with the prisoners 'elite'. This resistance group composed mostly of Dutch people involved in corruption, fraud, or embezzlement. Of course, chat with them does not connect with the young Sukarno who were eager to discuss the struggle for independence. At best what is discussed is about food, the weather, and the things that are not important.
The first few months of a prisoner in Sukamiskin Bung Karno communication with his compatriots breaking point at all. But the truth is, there are a variety of ways and Sukarno made sense to keep outside information.
According Fatmawati, when police followed Bung Karno Netherlands, the Dutch police was forced to carry his bike. Bung Karno know that he always followed by Dutch soldiers. Little Bung Karno unlawful, Netherlands quickly sent him to the jail. Precisely because they know the police can not take my eyes off the Dutch followed suit, making him often playing the Dutch police.
At that time, Bung Karno was cycling, a police officer followed him from behind. Bung Karno deliberately not speed up the pace of his bike. He ramped up to take it. The Dutch police were also relaxed to follow from a distance. Suddenly it occurred to make the police it was a hassle. On the edge of rice fields, Bung Karno stop and leave his bike there. Then Bung Karno walk climbing the embankment, toward a settlement rather far away, where a friend lived. Bung Karno know, the bike will not be a taking.
"Bung Karno know, the police did not dare let him out of her sight. Mandatory stalking Soekarno He continues," Fatmawati story excerpted from the book The Young Bung Karno 'Publisher: Inter-City Library Foundation, Jakarta, 1978.
But the difficulty now is the bike should not be left alone like the bike Bung Karno. Discipline prohibits the Dutch police to leave his bike in the street. Eventually the police had to carry his bike while climbing the embankment of a wobble. The police occasionally go kejeblos mud fields with a fairly heavy load. He did not dare let the Bung Karno roam freely outside its control.
While Bung Karno had thought it was bad just naughty pursue long embankment towards the township. Him with merry way, while behind the police followed him furiously.
Those are some pieces that are sometimes funny Soekarno deeds, according to Fatmawati often made him laugh to hear it.
When Soekarno Hatta kencingi
Dated August 8, 1945, the supreme leader of the Japanese troops in Southeast Asia, General Terauchi Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta call to Vietnam. Terauchi did not explain what he meant. This makes Soekarno and Hatta to wonder.
They departed, accompanied by 20 high-ranking Japanese military. Plane carrying crowded Soekarno. But nobody wants to talk about the reason for the call.
It turns out the meeting with the Soekarno-Hatta in Dalath Terauchi is very important in Indonesian history. Japan claims will not hinder the independence of Indonesia. Japan realized they had defeated the Allies. Changing conditions of warfare altogether. Japan was defeated in an all-out World War II in the Pacific.
The story is told in his biography written Soekarno Cindy Adams' Bung Karno, Indonesia mouthpiece People's Bung Karno Foundation published in 2007.
Then to bring good news and then returned to Indonesia Sukarno and Hatta. This time they are not a good passenger plane as he was before. They are already on a plane bomber wreck. Many shot holes in the fuselage.
The plane also does not have a seat. The passengers sit on the floor or lying down. There is also no heating, so that the passengers shivering. Worse, there is also a small room.
Well, that was the problem, when it's Soekarno to pee. He whispered to Suharto, his personal physician.
"I want to piss. What should I do?" Soekarno whispered.
Suharto also confused, no restroom. Then he pointed to the tail full of shot holes. "There is no place, so there is no other way. Dude had to pee in there," said Suharto.
"All right. I walked slowly to the back of the plane and wreak hajatku. And I started a new, harsh winds slammed through the bullet holes and the water spraying all over the room air. My friends were poor with the bath water special, "beber Sukarno.
When landing in Jakarta, the nation's leaders were still wet with urine half of the leader of the revolution. Not explained how the Hatta and others when exposed to urine Soekarno.
Soekarno cheat Netherlands with eggs and the Qur'an
Activity time of Sukarno political movement in the mid 1920s made him a target of the Netherlands. Since moving to London to continue his study, gestures Bung Karno closely watched. Until later in the month of December 1929 Young Bung Karno in jail.
Bung Karno moved to Bandung from Surabaya in 1920. He continued his education to THS (Technische Hoogeschool or Technical College which is now the ITB). In 1926 when he was graduated and degree engineers, Bung Karno founded the Algemene Studie Club in London. This organization became the forerunner of the National Party of Indonesia was established in 1927. Sukarno's PNI activity in this will keep him in jail and then transferred to Banceuy Sukamiskin in 1930.
Soekarno economic life while in London is very alarming. She married Inggit Garnasih 1923. Sukarno never worked professionally income generation. More time is spent on political activities.
While incarcerated, Sukarno to rely on his wife. Whole needs supplied by Inggit assisted by older brother Sukarno, Sukarmini or better known as Mrs. Ward.
When transferred to the prison Sukamiskin, supervision of Sukarno increasingly hard and tight. He is classified as a dangerous prisoner. Even to isolate Sukarno in order not to receive information from the outside, he combined with the prisoners 'elite'. This resistance group composed mostly of Dutch people involved in corruption, fraud, or embezzlement. Of course, chat with them does not connect with the young Sukarno who were eager to discuss the struggle for independence. At best what is discussed is about food, the weather, and the things that are not important.
The first few months of a prisoner in Sukamiskin Bung Karno communication with his compatriots breaking point at all. But the truth is, there are a variety of ways and Sukarno made sense to keep outside information.

It happened when the prison authorities allow Sukarno taken delivery of food and eggs from outside. Eggs are a Inggit merchandise is always strictly checked by guards before being accepted Bung Karno.
As told by Mrs. Ward is quoted in the book 'The Young Bung Karno' InterCity Library published in 1978, the egg became a means of communication to spread outside the state prison. How, when Inggit send salted egg, it means bad news out there that befell fellow Bung Karno. But he could only guess the only bad news, because Inggit can not explain in detail.
Over time, Sukarno and Inggit then find more sophisticated ways to trick the Netherlands. The medium is still the same, eggs. However, the eggs had been stabbed with a fine needle and a more detailed message about the bad news it can be understood Bung Karno. One puncture in egg means all good news, two puncture means a friend were arrested, and three puncture means no large-scale ambushes against the independence movement activist.
There is another more complicated way using the medium of religious books to the Koran.
Inggit who gets a visit twice a week allowed to carry religious books and the Koran. For example, Bung Karno sent the Koran on 24 April. Then Bung Karno had opened the fourth letter of the Koran on page 24. Under certain letters on the page there are small holes such as Braille. For example under the letter B there is a puncture, then at the bottom of the letter U, and so on, to form a series of words and phrases that contains news of his compatriots who are out of prison.
One more model of communication used Bung Karno. This method chosen Mrs. Ward, who always accompany Inggit Sukamiskin visited him in jail. He uses body language such as pulling ears, fingers crossed, winks, moves one hand, moving the face. All of the code was already understood its meaning by Bung Karno.
During his sentence from December 1929 until released on December 31, 1931, Sukarno was never dijenguk by both parents who are Blitar. According to Ms. Ward, their parents Raden Soekemi Sosrodihardjo and Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai could not see that they are proud of the children were in the prison and dishonorable place in a powerless position.
Moreover, while in Sukamiskin, according to Ms. Ward, Soekarno conditions so skinny and black. But Bung Karno reasoned, he accidentally makes his skin turned black with work and moving out in the sun to heat up the bones. Because in the cell there is no sunlight, moist, dark, and cold.
Soekarno about Cuban cigars, Che and Castro
Sukarno had many friends abroad. One of the closest possible to the Cuban revolutionary leader, Fidel Castro and Che Guevara.
Che Guevara's first visit to Indonesia in 1959. El Comandante was a lengthy discussion about the revolution in Indonesia. At that time, Che is also the official representative of the government of Cuba to discuss trade relations between the two countries. Sukarno Che personal fit. Both are full of energy and informal style.
As told by Mrs. Ward is quoted in the book 'The Young Bung Karno' InterCity Library published in 1978, the egg became a means of communication to spread outside the state prison. How, when Inggit send salted egg, it means bad news out there that befell fellow Bung Karno. But he could only guess the only bad news, because Inggit can not explain in detail.
Over time, Sukarno and Inggit then find more sophisticated ways to trick the Netherlands. The medium is still the same, eggs. However, the eggs had been stabbed with a fine needle and a more detailed message about the bad news it can be understood Bung Karno. One puncture in egg means all good news, two puncture means a friend were arrested, and three puncture means no large-scale ambushes against the independence movement activist.
There is another more complicated way using the medium of religious books to the Koran.
Inggit who gets a visit twice a week allowed to carry religious books and the Koran. For example, Bung Karno sent the Koran on 24 April. Then Bung Karno had opened the fourth letter of the Koran on page 24. Under certain letters on the page there are small holes such as Braille. For example under the letter B there is a puncture, then at the bottom of the letter U, and so on, to form a series of words and phrases that contains news of his compatriots who are out of prison.
One more model of communication used Bung Karno. This method chosen Mrs. Ward, who always accompany Inggit Sukamiskin visited him in jail. He uses body language such as pulling ears, fingers crossed, winks, moves one hand, moving the face. All of the code was already understood its meaning by Bung Karno.
During his sentence from December 1929 until released on December 31, 1931, Sukarno was never dijenguk by both parents who are Blitar. According to Ms. Ward, their parents Raden Soekemi Sosrodihardjo and Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai could not see that they are proud of the children were in the prison and dishonorable place in a powerless position.
Moreover, while in Sukamiskin, according to Ms. Ward, Soekarno conditions so skinny and black. But Bung Karno reasoned, he accidentally makes his skin turned black with work and moving out in the sun to heat up the bones. Because in the cell there is no sunlight, moist, dark, and cold.
Soekarno about Cuban cigars, Che and Castro
Sukarno had many friends abroad. One of the closest possible to the Cuban revolutionary leader, Fidel Castro and Che Guevara.
Che Guevara's first visit to Indonesia in 1959. El Comandante was a lengthy discussion about the revolution in Indonesia. At that time, Che is also the official representative of the government of Cuba to discuss trade relations between the two countries. Sukarno Che personal fit. Both are full of energy and informal style.
Che had traveled to the temple of Borobudur. He is impressed by Sukarno Sukarno then invite to change to Cuba.
Then in 1960, Sukarno, who pay a visit to Cuba. Cuban leader Fidel Castro immediately greeted at the Havana airport. Soekarno cheered. Cubans stand along the road up posters that read 'Viva President Sukarno'.
Sukarno had many discussions with Castro about what he had done in Indonesia. In the middle of the legendary Cuban cigar puff, Sukarno explained the concept about Marhaenisme. Soekarno explain economic independence. How can people become masters in their own country without the dictates of imperialism.
Fidel Castro is also anti-American fit with Sukarno. History shows they do not ever want to be dictated to the United States.
The photos Sukarno, Che and Castro showed a very close relationship. Soekarno dagger rewarded Castro, arms native to Indonesia. They laughed as the two friends while exchanging headgear. Soekarno swapping hats a la kopiahnya with military commanders that characterizes Castro. Che looked happy wearing a skullcap Soekarno.
When the revolution had just happened in Cuba. Castro and Che New overthrow the Batista regime and took over the leadership of Cuba in 1959. Therefore euphoria revolution happening in all parts of Cuba.
Unique, the presidential entourage had stopped only because the police officer who led the convoy would like to smoke a cigar.
The story is told aides Soekarno, Bambang Widjanarko in the book 'Eight Year Period Near the Bung Karno' Popular Library published by Scholastic.
It was in a convoy of three police Soekarno who led the presidential motorcade, paving the way. Suddenly police leaders and ordered his convoy to stop the convoy stopped. Of course all participants wondered why the convoy stopped.
The police then took out a cigar, and approached the driver Sukarno. Apparently he wanted to borrow a match to light a cigar. Once lit, the police then saluted the Soekarno. He climbed his bike and led the convoy back to dashing. Cuban cigar while sucking of course.
"Bung Karno loose laugh seeing it. Apparently he was quite familiar Cuba is still in the revolution," said Bambang.
Trip to Cuba is very impressive for Sukarno. Very different from his trip to Washington some time earlier. At that time Sukarno with President Eisenhower offended arrogant.
Eisenhower is considered dismissed the Soekarno come from third world countries.
He left the White House Soekarno wait almost half an hour. Soekarno anger exploded.
"Do you really mean to insult me. Now also I go," Sukarno said angrily.
U.S. officials were confused. They were busy apologizing and asking Soekarno lived. Eisenhower was soon out to meet Sukarno.
At the next meeting, Eisenhower became more friendly. He realized Sukarno can not be underestimated.
Bung Karno not like sexy women
President Soekarno during his lifetime is known to have charm, easily conquering beautiful women he wants. History records Bung Karno married nine times. But many do not know what women like Dawn's beloved Son.
For business turns criteria Bung Karno male figure is not adventurous. Bung Karno attention will be easily sucked in if they see a simple woman who dress modestly. Then, how Bung Karno viewing women look sexy?
Never in one shot while walking together with Fatmawati, Bung Karno told the judgment against her. At that time the Bung Karno really falling in love with Fatmawati.
"One evening when we were walking around together, Fatmawati ask me about the kind of women I like," said Soekaro in the book 'The Young Bung Karno' published by Inter-City Library.
Bung Karno looked momentarily Fatmawati figure who was dressed modestly and decently. Bung Karno feeling really volatile, he's a little surprised at the question.
"I looked at this country girl who dressed red baju kurung and yellow hooded diselubungkan politely. Told him, I love women with authenticity, not the modern women who wear short skirts, tight dresses and lipstick lips dazzling," said Soekarno.
"I prefer the old-fashioned woman who faithfully keep her husband and borne fetch his shoes. I do not like American women of the new generation, which I hear tell him to wash the dishes," he added.
Maybe then Fatmawati Soekarno so fascinated to hear a straightforward answer. Until eventually mate them together. Fatmawati Sukarno married in 1943, and blessed with 5 children namely Guntur, Megawati, Rachmawati, Sukmawati, and thunder.
"I like women who are happy with the kids a lot. I really love children," she said.
Bung Karno and Mrs. Fatmawati, remember never married
Many interesting stories on the journey of life Sukarno, Indonesia's first president who was born on June 6, 1901 and died on June 21, 1970. One of them is the wedding story with Mrs. Bung Karno Fatmawati.
In modern times, there is a tradition to commemorate the anniversary. If 25 years of marriage called silver wedding, while 50-year marriage called golden wedding. However, according to Ms. Fatmawati recognition, and Bung Karno he never celebrated anniversary.
Never mind the silver or gold wedding wedding, wedding anniversary 1st, 2nd or 3rd course never. The reason is not because they do not ever remember getting married. This may be because the time of the wedding, the time of the war is being wrapped. At that time World War II was raging and new Japanese came to colonize Indonesia.
"We never celebrate a silver wedding or a golden wedding. Because we consider it a matter of trivial, while we are always faced with enormous problems great and terrible," recalls Mrs. Bung Karno Fatmawati in the book The Young, published by Inter-City Library, 1978 .
Bung Karno and marriage life is full of turmoil Fatmawati struggle. Two years after they married, Indonesia achieved independence. But this is not finished, just when it reached a peak of physical struggle. Bung Karno certainly involved in every important moments of national struggle.
The couple gave birth to their first son, namely Guntur Soekarnoputra. Guntur Sukarno was born at the time was 42 years old. Next born Megawati, Rachmawati, Sukmawati, and thunder. Bung Karno sons and daughters are known to have high artistic talent. It is not strange considering Bung Karno is an admirer of the works of art figure, while Mrs. Fatmawati very good at dancing.
Fuss Sukarno married many
The first president of Indonesia, Sukarno, known married a lot. Had many wives and jealousy would make Soekarno dizzy. Soekarno sometimes forced to play cat and mouse with his wife.
"We never celebrate a silver wedding or a golden wedding. Because we consider it a matter of trivial, while we are always faced with enormous problems great and terrible," recalls Mrs. Bung Karno Fatmawati in the book The Young, published by Inter-City Library, 1978 .
Bung Karno and marriage life is full of turmoil Fatmawati struggle. Two years after they married, Indonesia achieved independence. But this is not finished, just when it reached a peak of physical struggle. Bung Karno certainly involved in every important moments of national struggle.
The couple gave birth to their first son, namely Guntur Soekarnoputra. Guntur Sukarno was born at the time was 42 years old. Next born Megawati, Rachmawati, Sukmawati, and thunder. Bung Karno sons and daughters are known to have high artistic talent. It is not strange considering Bung Karno is an admirer of the works of art figure, while Mrs. Fatmawati very good at dancing.
Fuss Sukarno married many
The first president of Indonesia, Sukarno, known married a lot. Had many wives and jealousy would make Soekarno dizzy. Soekarno sometimes forced to play cat and mouse with his wife.
When Sukarno married Hartini, Fatmawati angry and out of the palace. Sukarno's second wife chose to live in New Kebayoran. Hartini finally do not live in a palace, but at the Bogor Palace pavilion. Then after marriage with Dewi Sukarno, the Japanese woman was placed in a guesthouse Yasoo, Jl Gatot Subroto. While other wives, Haryati 'placed' in the Slipi, West Jakarta.
Lots of funny stories about polygamy Soekarno. For example about the letter. Due to busy, Sukarno did not have time to write a letter to each of his wife. So he asked for a palace scribe typing love letters to his wife.
But how shocked Sukarno when he found the love letters typed on official letterhead presidency. Complete with an eagle logo and the presidential seal. Not only that, the sender is not written as 'mas' or 'Sukarno' but His Excellency President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir Soekarno.
Well, due to a lot of these wives became the aide had additional duties. Soekarno aide, Bambang Widjanarko telling all these hassles.
Soekarno's wives always suspicious as to where to go after hours service Soekarno over. Is another meet his wife? home to the A, the B or the C? Sukarno's aides had to lie in order to save their boss.
"We have to help aides and securing any issue arise. Should lie if necessary, when the mother asked if Bung Karno meet with other mothers," said Bambang Widjanarko in the book 'Eight Year Period Near the Bung Karno' Popular Library published by Scholastic.
If Sukarno asked "Am I neat?" Then 'neat' that means clean of lipstick, perfume and one of his wives. Aide must be extra careful checking. If there is no trace of perfume for example, the Soekarno will go home to the Presidential Palace for a shower and change clothes.
Once upon a time, Haryati, Sukarno heard his wife was seeing another. He was angry and wanted to catch up to the event. Sukarno, who received the report, ordered what and no matter what, should not be left Slipi Haryati.
Then 'sabotage operations' was held. Originally Haryati driver pretended his car broke down. Haryati the wrath requested that sent a car from the Palace. But the long hours that the car did not come. When the driver had managed to start the car the last strike, a truck suddenly broke down in front of his house. Haryati car could not get out of the garage. Sabotage the mission was a success.
Trouble indeed had many wives are jealous.
Lots of funny stories about polygamy Soekarno. For example about the letter. Due to busy, Sukarno did not have time to write a letter to each of his wife. So he asked for a palace scribe typing love letters to his wife.
But how shocked Sukarno when he found the love letters typed on official letterhead presidency. Complete with an eagle logo and the presidential seal. Not only that, the sender is not written as 'mas' or 'Sukarno' but His Excellency President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir Soekarno.
Well, due to a lot of these wives became the aide had additional duties. Soekarno aide, Bambang Widjanarko telling all these hassles.
Soekarno's wives always suspicious as to where to go after hours service Soekarno over. Is another meet his wife? home to the A, the B or the C? Sukarno's aides had to lie in order to save their boss.
"We have to help aides and securing any issue arise. Should lie if necessary, when the mother asked if Bung Karno meet with other mothers," said Bambang Widjanarko in the book 'Eight Year Period Near the Bung Karno' Popular Library published by Scholastic.
If Sukarno asked "Am I neat?" Then 'neat' that means clean of lipstick, perfume and one of his wives. Aide must be extra careful checking. If there is no trace of perfume for example, the Soekarno will go home to the Presidential Palace for a shower and change clothes.
Once upon a time, Haryati, Sukarno heard his wife was seeing another. He was angry and wanted to catch up to the event. Sukarno, who received the report, ordered what and no matter what, should not be left Slipi Haryati.
Then 'sabotage operations' was held. Originally Haryati driver pretended his car broke down. Haryati the wrath requested that sent a car from the Palace. But the long hours that the car did not come. When the driver had managed to start the car the last strike, a truck suddenly broke down in front of his house. Haryati car could not get out of the garage. Sabotage the mission was a success.
Trouble indeed had many wives are jealous.
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