Saturday, June 22, 2013

Sayyidina Ali and An Old Christians

In a hadith Qudsi Rasulullah SAW said: Verily Allah every morning and afternoon SWT always behold the face of an old man, then Allah says: O My servants, your age is getting older, more wrinkled skin, weakened bones, the closer ajalmu, the close also you meet with me. Shame for me, because I was embarrassed to see ketuaanmu, and I was embarrassed to torture you in hell. 

It is said that one day Sayyidina Ali KW being hastily walked towards the mosque to carry pilgrims dawn. But on the way - in front of him - there was an old man who walks calmly. Then Sayyidina Ali slow footstep glorify and not precede it due to respect for the old man. Until nearly sunrise time to close the door then he mosque. And it turns out the old man goes on does not fit into the mosque, which then Sayyidina Ali KW eventually learned that the old man was a Christian. 

At the time of Sayyidina Ali KW into the mosque he saw the Prophet and their worshipers are in a state of bowing. (As we know that participating bowing along with the priest means still get one cycles). Prophet Muhammad's time ruku'nya lengthen the time until about two bowing. Then Sayyidina Ali KW air-takbiratul ihram and directly participate bowing. 

After the prayers finished the companions asked the Prophet: O Messenger of Allah you usually do not bowing this time, there is hell? Answer: At the time I had finished bowing and started to get up from bowing abruptly angel Gabriel came to put wings on my back, so I could not get up from bowing. The sahabatpun ask: Why is this? He replied: I did not know it. 

Then came the angel Gabriel and said: O Muhammad, verily Ali when it was being rushed to the mosque for Fajr congregation, and on the way there was an old man in front of her Christian walk, Ali did not know the old man's Christian religion. Ali did not want to precede it because he had great respect and honor the old man. Then I was ordered by God to hold you while bowing until Ali came late and did not follow the dawn congregation. Besides Allah SWT also ruled Mikail angel wings to hold up the sun using sun does not shine until the congregation finished. 

Such is the story of exemplary wisdom Sayyidina Ali KW highly respect and honor the people who were older though Christian religion. May be useful for all of us.

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