Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Targeted by the FBI, NSA whistleblower Lead Disappear

Edward Snowden, 29, became the target of the FBI after leaked wiretap telephone and internet orders by the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA). Snowden is now reported as missing and unaccounted for by the media.

Reported by Reuters on Tuesday, June 11, 2013, previously known to stay at the Hotal Snowden Mira, Hong Kong. But he had checked out of the hotel on Monday.

Until now, whereabouts unknown. But allegedly, he's still around Hong Kong.

Currently, he is being hunted FBI and CIA after his case submitted to the Department of Justice as a criminal case. Snowden himself has assumed he would be a target because of his actions.

CNN, the FBI has begun investigating the 29-year-old man. The FBI also reportedly searched the home and computer Snowden, and interrogate lovers, relatives, friends and colleagues.

He fled to Hong Kong before the pages of The Guardian and the Washington Post revealed NSA wiretapping documents to the telephone network and the Internet millions of Americans. Snowden chose Hong Kong because the Chinese autonomous region believed to uphold the principle of freedom for the citizens.

However, Hong Kong has no extradition treaty with the U.S.. A Hong Kong official said that Snowden had the wrong escape. "We have a bilateral agreement with the U.S. and we are obliged to fulfill this agreement. Hong Kong is not a lawless region as Snowden suppose," said Regina Ip, a board member and former Security Minister Hong Kong.

Snowden is a former technical assistant in the CIA. He worked at the firm Booz Allen Hamilton, who has been working with the NSA. This is where she stole documents NSA wiretap orders for Verizon and some Internet companies in the scheme of PRISM.

She defended the action by saying in defense of democracy. "I do not want to live in a world where what I do and say is recorded," he said.

Whatever the reason, the U.S. government already furious. The Ministry of Justice is driven by members of Congress have issued a command investigation and he would be prosecuted if caught. "Whoever is responsible for the leakage of confidential information should be severely punished according to the law," said the chairman of the Intelligence Committee in Congress, Mike Roger.

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