Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Russia Ready to Give whistleblowers Asylum In U.S.

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday signaled that his government is ready to grant asylum to Edward Snowden, the man who leaked the wiretap program belongs to the National Security Agency (NSA).

According to Russian media reports, Snowden may request asylum protection to the Russian Consul who was in Hong Kong. Page Dailymail, Tuesday, June 11, 2013, released a statement from President Putin's spokesman, Dmitry Peskov. According to Peskov, Russia would consider giving asylum to Snowden when he asked her.

"We will act in accordance with what is actually happening. Event we receive such a request, we will have to consider," said Peskov.

It is also supported by the statement of one of the Russian parliament, Robert Schlegel is pushing the government to consider the possibility of granting asylum to Snowden. "It would be a good idea," said Schlegel.

Signal from Russia inin make the U.S. government worried. The congressman urged the Obama administration to take immediate action to extradite Snowden of Hong Kong before he could take refuge in Russia.

One of them is urgent that the Republican congressman, Peter King. He said that Snowden has resulted in huge losses for U.S. intelligence operations.
"If Edward Snowden indeed divulge the data in accordance with claim NSA, the U.S. government should immediately put him on trial according to the law and begin the process of extradition as soon as possible," King said in a written statement.

Iceland Reluctant Give Asylum
Snowden has declared his intention to seek asylum in Iceland. The country is known to welcome asylum seekers, of which Iceland is never protected chess master Bobby Fischer and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

But since the new government of Prime Minister Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson, Iceland seems to be reluctant to give the asylum. Many observers say, Iceland is now inclined to Washington and do not want to aggravate his image as a political criminal hideout.

This was reinforced by the analysis of the political science lecturer at Uiversitas Iceland, Stefania Oskarsdottir. According to him, the process of filing asylum in Iceland is not as easy as imagined.

"I would be very surprised if the government intends to engage in international conflicts with the U.S. government. Maybe this guy just said it was based on the desire or expectation alone without considering the actual facts," said Oskarsdottir.

According to the Icelandic Directorate of Immigration, Kristin Volundarsdottir, until now there has been no petition filed by Snowden. "If he wanted to apply for asylum, then he should come to Iceland," said Volundarsdottir.

Snowden existence is still missing was swallowed by the earth tub. He was known to stay at luxury hotels, Mira in Hong Kong since the 20th of May. But according to hotel officials, Snowden has exited the hotel since Sunday.


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