Saturday, June 22, 2013

The story of Father Imam Syafii Looking Rizki is Halal

A young man named Idris walk down the river. Suddenly he saw the pomegranate washed away. He took the fruit and ate it without thinking straight. 

When Idris had spent half the pomegranate, it occurred to him, whether he eats it halal? Pomegranates are eaten was not hers. 

Idris quit eating. He then walked in the opposite direction to the flow of the river, looking for where there is a pomegranate tree. He came under heavy fruit pomegranate tree, right on the edge of the river. He was sure, he ate the fruit falls from the tree. 

Idris then find out who the owner of the pomegranate tree, and Meet him by the owner, a middle-aged man.
"I have been eating a pomegranate you. Is it kosher for me? Are you mengihlaskannya? "Said Idris. 

The old man, paused, then looked sharp. "Can not be that easy. You have to work to maintain and clean up my garden for a month without pay, "he told Idris. 

To preserve the stomach of food that is not kosher, Idris was immediately menyanggupinya.
A month pass you by. Idris then meet with the owner of the garden. 

"Sir, I've been maintaining and cleaning your garden for a month. Is the host already justifies the pomegranate that I eat? " 

"No, there is one more requirement. You must marry my daughter; girl blind, deaf, mute and paralyzed. " 

Idris was silent. But he had to meet the requirements. 

Idris was married to the girl mentioned. Owner marry his own daughter in the presence of several people, without intermediaries prince. 

After the marriage ceremony took place, the master ordered Idris garden to his daughter in her room. Apparently, not a blind girl, wrote, mute and paralyzed encountered, but a beautiful girl is almost perfect. Ruqoyyah his name. 

The plantation owners are not willing to take for granted Idris; honest young man and keep away from foods that are not kosher. Idris as he took son, who would give him a grandson named Shafi, a great scholar, teacher and role model for millions of Muslims in the world.

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