Monday, June 10, 2013

This guy could Ramal Future Technology

In the future, robots could be predicted to do housework

Tomer Kagan, Quixey founder, 29-year-old, has the ability to predict the future. He could envision a future technology trends and working with researchers to make it happen.
Kagan is a member of the Machine Intelligence Research Institute and worked at the National Science Foundation Futurist Project to create future projects.
Reported by Business Insider, Monday, June 10, 2013, recently Kagan predicts future trends are quite stunning, especially the changes in life activities.
First, Traveling Hospitals. This is a medical device that is smaller, stronger, and able to detect a person's history of illness.
"Imagine, an ambulance operating room facilities and expert doctors. In the future, a doctor will come and treat you," said Kagan.
Second, a restaurant or any other moving services. "In the future there will be a business which is housed in a car. For example, a restaurant in the car. You just stay inside, then eat, then go down on the other end," said Kagan.
Third, technology is replacing human labor with mechanical power, which automatically perform and manage the work without the need for human supervision.
"Imagine a robot that is able to automatically prepare private meals. Robots could be placed in the car, will have the task of preparing food for their owners," said Kagan.
Automation technology has been applied in several fast-food restaurants. Limited manpower, make reservations and food preparation is done by machine.
Earn billions
Kagan's ability to predict the future of his ideas have poured in startup Quixey, an app search engine that has been used by several companies, such as Microsoft, Sprint, and
"Quixey is focused on functional search. Was meaning to do and find anything you are looking for demand," said Kagan.
Currently, Quixey've got a fund of U.S. $ 29 million, or equivalent to Rp284 billion from investors, including from Yahoo and Google. "Quixey able to find 100 million apps in a month," said Kagan.

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