Monday, June 10, 2013

TNI buy Anti Tank Missile Artificial USA

Indonesian armed forces bought anti-tank missile launcher (ATGM) sophisticated U.S. made. This missile is able to lock the target and follow wherever the target goes with tremendous explosive power.
Recently named the Javelin anti-tank on display and demonstrated its use after the opening of Garuda Shield joint exercise of the Army by U.S. Army Pacific (USARPAC), Monday, June 10, 2013.
Bonny TNI Lt. Octavian that demonstrate the use of Javelin said, the missile firing range of 2.5 kilometers. Javelin is equipped with advanced tracking that can lock and shoot a moving target. "Missile reload time is fairly quick, at 40 seconds," said Bonny.
Bonny said the Army had ordered 25 sight and 189 Javelin anti-tank missiles made by companies Raytheon and Lockheed Martin's. However, this weapon is still in the stage production and has not been sent.
In addition to advanced, this tool is very lightweight and can be placed on the shoulder of the attacker. According page, Javelin missile weighs 11.8 pounds while the launcher sight and just 6.4 pounds. "This gun is also simple in addition to sophisticated and lightweight," says Bonny.
This weapon has been developed since 1998 by companies Raytheon and Lockheed Martin Javelin Joint Venture project name. Own production began in 1994 and sent to a military barracks at Fort Benning, Georgia in 1996. write pages, Javelin used U.S. and Australian troops in the war in Iraq between March and April 2003. Currently, the weapon used in Afghanistan. More than 2,000 Javelin missile has been fired at U.S. and coalition troops in the country.
Javelin first foreign buyer is the UK in January 2003 with early booking as many as 18 launchers and 144 missiles. Other countries that have used this is Taiwan, Lithuania, Jordan, Australia, New Zealand, Norway, and Ireland. Several other countries lining up the middle to get it. explained, a single launcher and Javelin tracker priced at U.S. $ 126,000 or approximately Rp1, 2 billion, while the Javelin missile unit for U.S. $ 78,000, equivalent to Rp.756 million.
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