Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Vital Tool Man Changed At Age 30

As you age, male sexual function tends to decline. This condition affected the instability and declining testosterone plays a major role in male sexual desire.
When testosterone decreases, he will be tough horny and takes a longer time to achieve erection and orgasm. Not only that, it is also related to decreased sperm quality.
A recent study also revealed the male penis undergo significant changes when it reaches the age of 30 years. Here are four changes, as quoted by WebMD.
1. ColorAccording to the Director of Sexual Medicine at Alvarado Hospital, San Diego, Irwin Goldstein, MD, when tetosteron level decreases, the penis naturally turning to pre puberty. In other words, when entering the age of 30 years, there are two major changes that occur in men.
First, the head of the penis will gradually lose its bright color. Gently lead purplish color will change, which is caused by reduced blood flow. Second, the growth of hair in the genital area also becomes slower.
2. SizeNot a myth. According to Professor of Clinical Urology at the University of California, San Francisco, Ira Sharlip, weight plays an important role in age-men in general. As body weight increases, fat will accumulate in the lower abdomen. In this condition causes changes in the size of the penis.
"The fat makes the penis look shorter," says Sharlip.
Not only that, Co-Director of Men's Health, Ronald Tamler, MD, PhD also said the drastic shrinkage usually invisible. However, obesity or belly fat can affect the long decline about half an inch or up to age 60 or 70s.
What is the cause of penis shrinkage? It was due to fat accumulation along the walls of arteries. This is what causes the blood flow in the arteries in the penis is impaired and contributed greatly to the blockage, it could cause a heart attack. Not only the size of the penis is changed, so did the size of the testes.
"Starting about 40 years, it is definitely shrinking testicles. Male aged 30 years, about three centimeters in diameter balls, while the 60-year-old man, was reduced to two centimeters in diameter," said Goldstein.
3. FormGenerally in middle age, a man's penis will be amended, so more curved. In the medical world, known as peyronie's pisease. This condition occurs due to the formation of a layer of fibrous scar tissue (plaque) in the penis hard. When erect, usually this painful condition. If it is severe, should be addressed by medical treatment.
4. SensitivityA study showed that, as you age, the sensitivity of the penis is reduced. This will have an effect on erectile function, libido, and ejaculation are strongly associated with lovemaking satisfaction. According to experts, this condition normally occurs in the lives of men in general.
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