Saturday, June 22, 2013

When Imam Shafi'i Not Qunut

Who does not know the Imam Shafi'i? Mr. usul fiqh is not only well known for his expertise in the field of Islamic law. A number of scholars assess, Imam Shafi'i also worth regarded pioneer of other Islamic disciplines, such as tafsir and hadith musthalah. 

Born with the name of Muhammad ibn Idris, Imam Shafi'i grow as a person is intelligent and critical. Indeed he was glorified and admired teachers. However, the persistent pursuit of truth that brought it to the stage of independent ijtihad. Imam Shafi'i sect successfully establish themselves, especially fiqh. 

Inevitably, Imam Syaf'i were different views with the founders of other schools of jurisprudence, both his own teacher, Imam Malik; predecessor, Imam Hanafi; nor his students, Imam Hambali. 

Problem qunut example. Imam Hanafi and Hanbali Imam firm that qunut not sunnah to pray Fajr, except in Witr prayer. "In the Fajr prayer, the Prophet implement qunut only for one month. Once it does, "he argued. 

Imam Shafi'i reject this argument. With equally strong arguments, he also believes qunut Fajr sunnah status. As a consequent cleric, Imam Shafi'i read qunut dawn unbroken throughout his life. Always. Except on a weird day. 

Yes, it was Imam Shafi'i left qunut dawn. Seemingly odd behavior seems to betray his own mind fruit is happening in Baghdad, Iraq. Exactly, near a tomb. 

Imam Shafi'i turned out being a high respect for science and the efforts of other scholars thought, although at odds with their respective ideologies. Because in the ground around the tomb where he had been residing prayer remains the great mujtahid, Nu'man bin Thabit Abu Hanifa alias Imam Hanafi. (Mahbib Khoiron)

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