Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Jakarta Islamic Centre, a mosque built in former 'red light' district

Jakarta Islamic Center Mosque (JIC) in North Jakarta
Jakarta Islamic Center Mosque (JIC) is not only a mosque, but also serves as a center for development and assessment of Islam, not only in Indonesia but also Southeast Asia. The contradiction

"However, this area has a dark story in the past. Before it was built, JIC is a place known for its ladies night, pimps and johns, named Kramat Tunggak. JIC area is the largest localization in Kramat Jaya, North Jakarta. This area was once known as the largest red light distric in Southeast Asia," Public Relation Staff of JIC Mosque, Saryono Jahidi said on Thursday.

Initially, this localization was  inaugurated by Ali Sadikin, who served as Governor of Jakarta in 1970. Governor considered that the ladies night was not rampant everywhere and isolated from society. At the first, there were 300 commercial sex workers and 76 pimps. This number grew and increased every year.

Towards Kramat Tunggak was closed in 1999, there were 1,615 commercial sex workers who were controlled by 258 pimps. In this area, they built 277 units building which has 3,546 rooms. Number of sex workers boomed, eventually led to new problems in surrounding community.

Jahidi explained the ulemas and public urged that Kramat Tunggak should be immediately closed and it was conducted on December 31, 1999. After held a consultation between local communities, ulemas, practitioners either from local, regional and international, JIC was finally built in 2002.

JIC made a significant change and affect the surrounding environment. This is in line to residents wishes who want to live in a safe and comfortable environment.

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