Sunday, April 28, 2013

Regional Tourist Destinations in Lombok Indonesia

Below are some areas that are well worth a visit when you vacation in Lombok:
1.      Suranadi. Here there is a complete hotel with heated swimming pool and tennis court. There is also the oldest Hindu temple, is located 17 km if the ride vehicle from Mataram city.

2.      Lingsar. Temples with sacred fish in the pond, the location of 9 km with a drive from the city of Mataram.

3.      Narmada. Lombok Raya garden, by the pool, and there are Hindu temples are often used for Hindu worship, the location of 12 km by road from the city of Mataram.

4.      Bolong.Terdapat stone temple on a rock that juts into the sea, and if the weather is sunny can see Mount Agung in Bali island, and nice to see the scenery at sunset. Location 8 km by road from the city of Mataram. To enter the area, then we are obliged to wear yellow ribbons of fabric (can be rented on site), which fitted waist. Beautiful scenery here, the sea water broke through the rock between the holes, making a sound gemerosak. Unfortunately when I came here, the weather is still cloudy after the rain, but the beautiful scenery. Sun peeking between clouds, and the light reflected off the sea water fall.

5.      Senggigi. Natural white sandy beaches are clean, surrounded by hotels, inns and bungalows. Very beautiful, especially when sunrise and sunset time. Location 10 km by road from the city of Mataram. Many souvenir hawkers on the beach, a freshwater cultured pearls colorful, ranging from the price of 25.000, - Also vendors shirt that read Lombok and Senggigi, Lombok and distinctive engraving on wood, can be a place of fruit, masks and others.

6.      Sire Beach. Marine park with exotic corals and fish swimming to and fro. Located 36 km by road from the city of Mataram.

7.      Gili Air, Gili Meno and Gili Trawangan. Heaven in northern Lombok island, surrounded by marine park. Here many people diving or surfing. This island has many hotels and inns, so they can stay here, the beach is still original. To reach this location can use a motor boat.

8.      Sukarare. The village where the weave, here if you want to buy the traditional woven cloth Lombok, as well as see how the weavers do the job. Location 25 km by road from the city of Mataram.

9.      Rambitan / Sade. Native village of Lombok, the Sasak traditional house, the location of 50 km by road from the city of Mataram.

10.  Kuta / Tanjung Aan. Mandalika beach with sparkling lights, where we can swim, there is a hotel and restaurant. Every year there are celebrations capture / view Nyale, location 56 km by road from the city of Mataram.

11.  Mataram. Mataram is the capital of the province of West Nusa Tenggara. While Ampenan an old port city (now moved to a sheet). Ampenan city distinctively ancient architecture, which when cleaned and cared for properly, will be a popular tourist destination. In Mataram city (which has become an integral part of the city and the city Ampenan Cakranegara) we can culinary, eating food with his trademark Lombok which is spicy. In Jakarta we often see Taliwang restaurant, which turned out to Taliwang is the name of a region, which was initially a lot of food vendors in the area ini.Makanan Lombok Lombok, among others: plecing kale, chicken plecingan, the range chicken (spicy chicken marinade once) , beberok sauce. Plecing cuisine proved to be a name, so it is known that given the kale cooking / seasoning cooked plecing, plecing cooked chicken (spicy flavored chicken, silenced, baked / fried, then seasoned spicy again). Beberok sauce is a sauce made from purple eggplant slices, sliced ​​red onion, sliced ​​tomato and chilli, served with other foods Lombok. Typical drink is coconut honey, made from the water of young head, and his in shredded coconut-shredded and given honey ehmm sedaaap. To buy souvenirs typical woven cloth Lombok, could in Cilinaya Shopping Centre.

12.  Cakranegara. Is a business city, there are farm markets, bird markets, and springs Mayura and Meru temple, the largest temple in Lombok. Cakranegara reputedly was once a former kingdom, but the former empire (the site) was unrecognizable. If you want a souvenir of food, it can buy fried chicken legs, salted eggs and a variety of sweets from seaweed.

13.  Sendanggile Waterfall Village Senaru, Bayan district, which is the gateway ascent of Mount Rinjani (3,726 meters). In Pusuk there are hundreds of monkeys who are always faithful roadside waiting to be fed by a passing motorist who drove a winding road-kelok.jalan in pusuk does look like the peak district offers a different sensation for the rider as well as tourists asing.hutan lush hedges as well as nature sounds accompany monkeys that line the side of the road. Deservedly called Pusuk Pass .. do not forget to bring a banana if berkujung to Pusuk.Air Falls Spring gile comes from springs from the foot of Mount Rinjani, the water clear and clean, the landscape around the mountain areas could see the top of the mountain Senaru rinjani if ​​there are no clouds or overcast , incredible scenery.

14.  National Parks Mount Rinjani is a mountain located on the island of Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. Mountain which is the second highest volcano in Indonesia with an altitude of 3,726 m above sea level and is located at a latitude 8a º 25 'S and 116A º 28' BT is a favorite for mountain climbers Indonesia for its beautiful scenery. This mountain is part of Mount Rinjani National Park has an area of ​​approximately 41,330 ha and will be proposed the addition to be 76,000 ha to the west and east.

Kuta Beach

Custome Home

Weaving crafts Lombok

Lombok pottery

Underwater Marine Tourism Dyke

Mayura temple tourism park

Narmada temple tourism park

Pura Lingsar

Panoramic beach Malimbu

Gili Nangu

white sand island dyke

nautical dyke

Pelawangan Senaru

Rinjani Mountain

Sendang Gile Waterfall

 Sources :

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