Thursday, May 2, 2013

Abdurahman Nasir As-Sa'diy Expert Commentary from Unaizah (Part-3, completed)

He safari from one place to another in order to get benefit of science.

Additionally, Taisirul Lathiifil Mannan fi Khulasati Tafsiril Quran or Ease of Interpretation Summary The Mahahaluas the Koran, Quran Tafsiril Qowa'idul Hassaan li-Rule or Rule are Good in Qur'an Tafsir. The works of commentary is still a reference scholars until now.

Interpretation is very easy to understand and very helpful Muslim to understand the word of God. Therefore, well-known as a scholar sheikh interpretation. Although, much of his work in addition to commentary that also provide benefits for the Muslim science.

Some of the work in addition to commentary ever written sheikh, namely Al-Ershad ilaa Ma'rifatil Ahkam (Hint to Understand the Laws), an Ar-Riyadh-Nadhirah (Gardens of the Luminous), Bahjatu Qulubil Abrar (People's Hearts Delight the pious).

Other works, Manhajus Salikin Fiqh wa Taudhihul Fid Deen (Guidelines People Worshipping and Explanations Jurisprudence in Religion). Also, Ad-Dukhan Syurb Hukmu Bai'uhu wa wa Syiro'uhu (Laws Suck smoking, Sell, and Buy it) and Al-Fatawa As-Sa'diyah (Fatwa-Fatwa of Shaykh Sa'dy).

He also has a book collection of sermons, such as Al-Hakk ul Mubin bi Wadhih Al-Anbiya wal Syarhi Tauhidil Mursalin (Truth and the Real in Clear Explanation of Tawheed of the Prophets and the Apostles), Taudhihul Kaifiyah As-Safiyah (Clarifying the Self and Satisfactory) .

The whole work is a legacy that reward sheikh continues to flow until the end of time. After leaving the precious legacy for Muslims, Sheikh As-Sa'diy died on Thursday, 23 Jumada Tsaniah 1376 H or 1955 AD.

He suffered severe pain before his death. Shaikh died in his hometown, Unaizah. May Allah bless Shaykh Nasir As-Sa'diy Abdurahman.

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