Thursday, May 2, 2013

Terrorism is not Jihad

At the time of the Prophet, Khawarij terrorist groups are not people of no particular faith, no faith, and no worship. They are very active in worship and reading the Koran. However, they are away from the clergy made him grasp the content of the Book of Allah with true, especially about fighting jihad infidel.
They do not distinguish the meaning of "Jihad" with "Irhab". In fact, both have different meanings. In Arabic, jihad is derived from the jahada-yajhadu-juhdan-jihad literally means earnest, striving, exertion. The Irhab is a form of arhaba-yurhibu mashdar that means scaring others. In modern translations, translated Irhab as terrorism.
Dhu'l-Qarnayn Muhammad bin Sanusi in Glory Achieved Through Jihad, not to say contempt, Ibn Hajar defines the term jihad or terminolagi as "devote all its capabilities in the fight against the infidels".
In Mausu'ah Al-Al-Al-Kuwaitiyah fiqhiyah, said Dhu'l-Qarnayn, mentioned conclusions of experts from various schools of Islamic jurisprudence that the term jihad is fighting people who are not in a peace treaty after didakwahi and invited to Islam, in order to elevate the word of Allah.
As for the Sharai, jihad has a general scope, covering four cases, namely jihadun nafs (jihad in self-improvement), jihadusy syaithon (jihad against Satan), jihadul Kuffar wal munafiqin (jihad against the infidels and the munafkin), and bida wal jihad zholmi arbabuzh 'wal munkarat (jihad against those oppressors, skilled heresy, and actors munkar).
According Dhu'l-Qarnayn, Al Irhab forbidden is what is done by the offender by approaching people in a safe, tranquil, and peaceful are not having affairs with issues of power, war and injustice. Then, suddenly ambushed with murder, destruction of property, cause a variety of fears or concerns, either from among the Gentiles or from among the Muslims.
Yusuf Qaradawi in Fiqh of Jihad said, Irhab meaningful spread fear among men and cause them to lose the sense of security which is the greatest favor of Allah to His creatures. This is as stated in paragraph 3-4 surah Quraysh. However, / according to Qaradawi, a popular concept Irhab now very different.
Of two distinctly different meanings between jihad and Irhab. However, the terrorist extremist groups interpret Irhab (terror) as part of the jihad. As a result, they think that all infidels should be killed. In fact, the details of fiqh of jihad, there are four division of infidels. The distribution of the four, only one that should be fought infidels, the infidels who fight Muslims. Clear here that the bombing victims in Boston U.S., WTC, Bali, Jakarta, and elsewhere around the world are not those who disbelieve fight Muslims. They are just civilians, not even a little Muslim who become victims.
Distribution of four types of infidels, ie infidel dhimmis. The infidels are infidels who pay jizya each year as their residence permit in the Muslim country. Infidel dhimmis strictly forbidden to be killed.
Then, pagan mu'ahad, the pagans were an agreement or treaty with the Muslims not to fight. As long as the deal is made, they were forbidden fought. Musta'man infidel, ie, the non-Muslims who received security assurances from Muslim or partly Muslim. Of this type should not be fought as long as they are in security.
Finally, pagan harby which should be fought because it is the unbelievers who fight Muslims. However, in the fight against Harby also there are many Islamic rules that must be met. Then not necessarily a particular person or group to gain legitimacy for their fight.
From here, has light how Islam regards terrorism. Brutal terrorist action is not part of Islam. Islamic law was never taught violence, quite the contrary Islam is a religion of peace campaigners.
Dhu'l-Qarnayn said that Islamic law actually condemn and strongly denounce acts mischief in the land. So, dijelaskanlah in teaching various types of acts contrary to the damage that Islamic values ​​are noble and sublime. Among the forms of damage that is shedding the blood is maintained and protected from the Muslims and infidels forbidden to be killed.

"It's Islamic law has been collecting all kinds of goodness. Shari'a and Islamic guidance maintain, protect and preserve human intellects, purify possessions, giving security to the souls of men, and spread all forms of safety, peace, grace and prosperity, "he said.
More clearly how Islamic views on terrorism, stated on many scholars fatwa on terrorism illegitimate. At the international level, international institutions Jurisprudence Al Majma Al Fiqh Al Islamy issued a fatwa bans terrorism.
The fatwa said, "Terrorism is a hostility that occupied by individuals, kemompok-groups, or countries with abusive towards humans, religion, blood, mind, wealth and honor. Include various forms of terrorism successive appearance of fear, harassment, threats, and murder without haq and what is related to other forms of hostility, create fear in the streets, plowing down the road, and all acts of violence and threats. "

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