Thursday, May 2, 2013

This emergence of Islamophobia Main Causes of the Western World

Terrorism will never end. Violent extremists makes the world always dogged concern. The latter, dozens of people were injured by a bomb that exploded at the Boston marathon in the United States.
How to deal with the terror of violence, Reuters reporters interviewed Afriza Hanifa terrorism analysts also Research Director Inscription Peace Foundation Taufik Andrie. Here's an excerpt.
Why terrorism is always linked to Islam?I guess, it was the wrong stereotypes. Because, in general, the terrorist movement in the world based on religious ideology, not just Islam. For example, in Sri Lanka there is Hindu-based groups, then in Japan, Northern Europe, and Eastern religion-based ideology of Christian and Catholic. But, indeed there is often a stigma, especially by the media that it is mostly based Islamic movement. Then, the actions of the big impact is the terrorist group that happened to the religion of Islam. That was a first.
Second, there is a tendency fight global discourse. Countries that Islamist, such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan is also a terrorist base. Group there, although not on the allied countries, but the U.S. launched an attack against them. In 2001 to 2003 to Afghanistan and Iraq. This was already acute policemaker then made a reference to the Islamic group, then added stigmatized by the media.
The terrorist group was breathing Islamic ideology, but a very specific that promote violence. Meanwhile, there are mainstream Islamic teachings of compassion, democracy, and tolerance.
How does the impact of stigma for the Islamic world? Is this also caused the emergence of Islamophobia?Islamophobia grows mainly in Europe and the U.S. due to a misunderstanding about Islam. They know, on some groups of immigrants are so exclusive. There are a few others to Afghanistan, Iraq. That is, a little information to make a narrow perception. Meanwhile, the face that was shown by the coincidence (group) radical. Moreover, they are the radicals very widely circulated on the internet. Al Qaeda, for example, they spread out in a variety of media. Policemaker and is read by the general public. Thus, described from there, Islam like this (pictured al-Qaeda). The less info plus discourse extremist groups.
What about the Muslims are mainstream, does not bring much influence to the face of Islam?In fact, quite a lot of moderate Islam. But, perhaps less mobile. Discourse is very massive fight. Unfortunately, in the western group, is influenced by the local political map fundamentalist Christian groups. Similarly, the Jewish influence in the U.S.. It can not be denied. This is ideological battle that will not quit.
Then, why terrorism is always there and the group continues to grow? Do not be ending their violence?Okay, I discuss in Indonesia first. I think that hard (to stop terrorism) is the strategy in the law enforcement process. In incidents of terrorism suspects arrested there. But, unfortunately not all the perpetrators were arrested. So, this opens up the opportunity to consolidate them, so it continues to grow.
In general, this group has a massive propaganda campaign or received by the public. Some voiced aspirations in politics, a radical whose only aim is the establishment of jihad or sharia. It's been decades there, around the 1950s. So there are already half a century and evolved from year to year. This ideology, can not be turned off.
If globally?Globally, an Islamic extremist group experienced global injustice. People never got an answer to why the U.S. attacked Afghanistan and why it continues to linger. If by democracy, so do not be cut like that. This injustice was felt to have returned. Then, in Yemen, Syria, there is a strategy in which the regime should be lowered. Protecting group of persecuted Muslims so applied by the group (terrorists) is

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