Friday, May 3, 2013

President witnessed the invasion of marines in Situbondo

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on Friday (3/5), witnessed the beach invasion exercise conducted in the Marines. This exercise also witnessed by Vice President Boediono.

The raid occurred in Banongan Beach, Asembagus, Situbondo, East Java. This area is owned by the Marine training area.

Before looking at the raid drills, the President landed onto the beach at 5:34 pm using amphibious vehicle LVT-7. President of the ride vehicles of KRI Makassar-590.

One minute after the president, the vice president also landed on the beach Banongan using LVT-7. The difference, Vice President of the amphibious vehicle ride KRI Surabaya-591. Yudhoyono and Boediono were both wearing camouflage clothing.

Banongan Coast, President and Vice President witnessed the invasion beach exercise that begins with two waves of air strikes directly by eight Hawk aircraft.

After the air strikes immediately, four amphibious tanks and eight Marines amphibious landing tactical vehicles. Point spread in a number of vehicles and the Marines out of the vehicle as well as the tactical position in the prone condition with guns ready to shoot.

Vehicle artillery and rocket launchers also landed on the beach Banongan. These vehicles firing multiple times RM 70 Grade rocket and artillery howitzers to specific targets. Thump of artillery and rocket sound broke the silence of the morning at the beach Banongan.

After that, deployed 1,000 airborne Strategic Reserve Command and Air Force Special Forces. Jump by 10 Hercules aircraft.


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