Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Bill Gates: iPad Create User Frustration

iPad is a tablet computer pioneer consumers with sales in the range of 140 million units. This device was made to inspire many similar devices are also popular that threaten the PC industry. 

Even so, according to founder and former CEO of Microsoft Bill Gates, iPad and other similar devices have one drawback that is very disturbing the user, which does not have a physical keyboard. 

It is considered Gates make it difficult to substitute a tablet PC in the business productivity. "Many users (tablets) are frustrated. They can not type, can not make the documents, they do not have Office there," Gates said, as quoted by AllThingsD on his interview with CNBC. 

Ideal tablet, according to Gates, is that combines portability with a keyboard and Office software. 

He refers to the Surface and Surface Pro, two Microsoft-made Windows-based tablet that comes "cover" an integrated keyboard. Both of these tablets called Gates is able to bring all the advantages of a tablet without sacrificing productivity 

"With Windows 8, Microsoft is trying to take a share in the market which has been dominated similar devices iPad," said Gates. 

Surface and Surface Pro gait itself in the market so far has not been encouraging, but it is likely to show growth. IDC report earlier this month showed that 900,000 thousand units mengkapalkan Microsoft Surface and Surface Pro tablet in the first quarter of 2013 with an 1.8 percent market share. 

The figure is still far below the iPad shipped 19.5 million units in the same time.
To encourage sales Surface and Surface Pro, Microsoft called the 1.5 billion dollars spent on marketing campaigns both products.

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