Thursday, June 13, 2013

Sufi, Worship With Danceing?

ByUstadz Abu Olaya
Society generally look at issues related to dance and cultural arts. In contrast to the Sufis, they make sure there are certain rituals - outside the prescribed worship the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam - that serves as a pious deeds, like other rituals. Later familiar reassembly, the action of dhikr (prayer) to Allah Almighty by way of regular swirling growing at a pace faster, which is known as the Whirling Dervishes (dervish-whirling dervishes) or Sema dance (Arabic: same '). In the end, according to them, the dancers will experience ecstasy (Fana '), fused with Almighty Allah (?!)
Their attributes, wearing a hat that extends upward, large black robe, white shirt wide on the bottom like a skirt, and barefoot. They bowed respectfully mark and began removing her black robe. Position of their hands resting on her chest, crossed gripping shoulder. Similarly, the global picture is named the same spiritual dances.
Primacy and NOTCH DANCE THE VIEWS OF SUFI SEMAAs the only party that legalized the practice [1], they strengthen it by mentioning fadhilah (keutaman) such deeds. Among them:
1. Believes that the culprit gets reward as those who do pious deeds
2. Believes that dancing one effective factor to move the hearts of faith and practice, as khauf, khasy-well, mahabbah, roja, so there should not be regarded as playful actions
3. Believed to be a factor bring grace
4. Stated that the law recommended
5. States that a Muslim should do to get to the Almighty Allah
This is all purely imaginary Sufis are not unfounded at all from the law, to justify worship initiated by Jalâldîn ar-Rumi and attract the sympathy of the people.
WHAT REALLY prescribed?Kaedah states on legal origin of worship is forbidden except as prescribed by Almighty Allah and His Messenger. So, no doubt that when the law is spiritual dances intended to draw closer to Allah Almighty is not allowed (haram). Here are some arguments pengharamannya:
1. Allah Almighty says:
وذر الذين اتخذوا دينهم لعبا ولهوا
And leave the people who make their religion as play and amusement [al-An `am / 6:70]
On this verse, Allah Almighty denounced against the unbelievers who made the event a game as religion. Similarly, the adherents of Sufism, in verse as well as to reproach them for making dances - which obviously is a form of playful events and neglect-as a religion to get closer to Allah.
2. Allah Almighty says:
أم لهم شركاء شرعوا لهم من الدين ما لم يأذن به الله
Do they have gods-gods other than Allah, the prescribed any for their religion that Allah allowed not? [Asy-Syûrâ/42: 21]
This verse forbids Sufi dance because dancing in order to worship Allah never ordered Almighty and not allowed to be used as a means of religion and worship, then make it as a religious ceremony and worship as Yanga performed by the Sufis showed pensyariatan something that is not from Allah, and it should not be.
3. Allah Almighty says:
الله نزل أحسن الحديث كتابا متشابها مثاني تقشعر منه جلود الذين يخشون ربهم ثم تلين جلودهم وقلوبهم إلى ذكر الله
Allâh has lowered the nicest words (ie) al-Qur `an is similar (the quality of the verses) over and over again, shaking the skins of those who fear his Lord, then their skins and their hearts to the remembrance of Allâh .. [az-Zumar/39: 23] [2]
This verse also denied dances Sufi worship style, for he describes the condition of the believers while listening and listening masyru dhikr (which is prescribed). Condition of the believers who know Allah Almighty, who fear His punishment, when listening to His word, His promises and threats, their hearts softened, tears dripping, trembling skin, looks humility and calmness. Not as did those with moving Sufi dancing with a certain rhythm. Then we say to them is, 'Your condition will never match the conditions of the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam and his Companions radi anhum conditions in terms ma'rifatullah, khauf and ta'zhîm (glorification) to his greatness. However while listening mauizhah their condition is understood and wept for fear Him. Anyone who does not like this condition means not on their instructions and not on top of their way ". [3]
4. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
كل بمحدثة بدعة وكل بدعة ضلالة وكل ضلالة في النار
Each new case is an innovation in the religion. And every innovation is misguidance. And every misguidance in hell [HR. an-Nasai 3/210]
Dances devoted to the worship of Allah Almighty because there never was in the time of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and the Companions radi anhum, means a new thing and every service that was not known at the time he is forbidden then including heresy.
Al-Ghozali rahimaullah refute this argument to forbid the use of dance that he supported it. He said, "Not every which convicted may (have) a history of the Companions of Allaah anhum. Which is forbidden heresy contrary to existing instructions of the Prophet. Meanwhile, there is no history of this banning all (religious dance) ".
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullah straighten the above statement by saying, "Verily maintain the generality of the Prophet's sayings" every innovation is misguidance "it must be, and must practice the generality of its meaning. Anyone who classifies innovation into (heresy) good and bad and make it (the classification) as a reason for not prohibiting heresy indeed he had been mistaken. As was done by the mutafaqqihah (the lack of science), Ahl-ul-Kalam and the Sufis and religious experts (who do not follow the direction of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam). If they are banned from worship and practice of the new religion (diada-held), they argue that there is no heresy is forbidden unless prohibited. So the hadith it be "prohibited any" ... "each of which is forbidden" or "every which menyelisihi nash Prophet then is dholâlah (apostasy". (Error) is too obvious to be explained again. Due to each that are not prescribed in religion is misguidance "
5. Ijma ulamaMuslims have agreed that Sufi dance is heretical and banned law. A number of scholars have been confirmed, such as Ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullah, Abu Bakr ath-Tharthusi vol, vol Taqiyyuddîn as-Subki, Ibn Hajar al-Haitami rahimahullah, Abu Abdillah al-Qurtubi rahimahullah, Ibn Kathir rahimahullah, Ibrahim bin Muhammad al-Hanafi rahimahullah [4 ].
6. SenseIndeed dance (dance) instructions minds of people who do not, as it is said Imam Malik bin Anas may Allaah have mercy. Islam came to enhance the behavior of the children of Adam and prohibit them from those cases that reduce their sense.
Islamic law does not offend the dance, both in al-Qur `an and Hadith. It also has not been done by any one prophet and one of the leaders of the followers of the prophet. Because they have not done it, it shows it does not contain a worship dance a kindness too. Seaidaninya was good, was tenta Companions would race to do
Sufi dance contains a number of vices such as loss of muruah (authority), tasyabuh with women and small children, like animals and like the Christian adherents make dance a part of their religion, mixing the immoral to worship. Plus, Sema dance music is often accompanied by either drums or other musical instruments were actually neglected heart.
CLOSINGThat picture of 'worship' new product Sufis. Essentially, it will take away from Allah Almighty and the glorification of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam by following the instructions in worship. The best of guidance is the guidance of Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, as he revealed in Hajjah Khutbah. Allah knows best
References.1. Hukmu Mumârasil Fanni fisy Syarî'atil Islamiyya Shâeh bin Ahmad al-Ghozali2. Ma'a Waqofâti Kitâbi Ihya 'Ulumiddin, Sa'd al-Hushayyin

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