Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Primacy Month of Sha'ban

Month of Sha'ban is the 8th month in the Islamic calendar system. Month of Sha'ban is the month of Rajab and Ramadan hijriyah. This month the name stems from the Arabic word meaning tasya'aba split. At that time, the Arabs used to go scattered, out looking for water. Month of Sha'ban is also derived from the word meaning sya'aba chapped or emerge from the depths because it is between two glorious months as well.
Prophet called this as the month of Sha'ban month that is often forgotten man. He was forgotten because it is between two months siphon attention: the month of Rajab and Ramadan. Rajab attention because it is one of the month Haram, while Ramadan because of the month-long fasting obligations therein.
Sunnah Fasting in Sha'ban Month
Rasulullaah reproduce normal fasting in Sha'ban. He almost full fasting in this month. He just breaking or not to fast on some days.
From Aisha radhiallahu 'anha, he said,
يصوم حتى نقول: لا يفطر, ويفطر حتى نقول: لا يصوم, فما رأيت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم استكمل صيام شهر إلا رمضان, وما رأيته أكثر صياما منه في شعبان
"Sometimes the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, fasting a few days until we say,' He never was not fasting, and sometimes he is not fasting continues, until we said: He does not do the fasting. And I never saw the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam fasted a full month except in the month of Ramadan, I also do not see him fasting more often when in the month of Sha'ban. "(Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
Aisha said,
لم يكن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يصوم شهرا أكثر من شعبان, فإنه كان يصوم شعبان كله
"Never before has the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, fasting a month more than the fasting month of Sha'ban. Sometimes he fasted almost a full month of Sha'ban. "(Reported by Al-Bukhari and Msulim)
Aisha said,
كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يتحفظ من هلال شعبان ما لا يتحفظ من غيره, ثم يصوم لرؤية رمضان, فإن غم عليه, عد ثلاثين يوما, ثم صام
"The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam gave attention to the new moon of Sha'ban month, not as his attention to the other months. Then he fasted when he saw the new moon of Ramadan. If the moon is not visible, he genapkan to 30 days of Sha'ban. "(Narrated by Ahmad, Abu Dawud, An-Nasa'i and his sanad validated Shoaib Shaikh Al Arnauth)
Umm Salama radhiallahu 'anha said,
عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم, أنه لم يكن يصوم من السنة شهرا تاما إلا شعبان, ويصل به رمضان
"That the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam has never been fasting the whole month except Sha'ban, then he continued with Ramadan." (Narrated by Nasa'i and validated An Al-Albani)
The above hadith is a virtue argument reproduce fasting in Sha'ban, than fasting in the other months.
Privileged Sha'ban
Apparently, he's fasting outstanding of wisdom. From the physical side, he is preparing for us to face the fasting month of Ramadan is a month in full. From the spiritual side, the following hadith states reproduce secret wisdom behind fasting in Sha'ban.
From Usama bin Zaid, he said, I asked: "O Messenger of Allah, I do not see you (often) fasting during the month like you fast in the month of Sha'ban?" He said: "It is the month that most people miss it is between Rajab and Ramadan. The month in which appointed deeds-deeds to Allah, Lord of the worlds. So I would like [when] amalanku lifted, I was in a state of fasting. "(Declared hasan by Al-Albani in Saheeh An Nasa'i, no. 2221; classed as saheeh by Ibn Huzaimah).
Illustrated how Rasulullaah proximity to the supervision of God and his desire to always give our best as a slave to her King. He wants to deliver the good deeds that are heading up to the presence of God in the best condition, avoid vice and sin. And this can be achieved by fasting.
Fasting in the month of Sha'ban Wisdom
Ustadz Ammi Nur Baits in consultation states that sharia scholars disagree about the wisdom of multiply advocate fasting in Sha'ban, given the existence of history about this fast.
The most powerful is the opinion of the information in accordance with the hadith of Usamah bin Zaid, he asked: "O Messenger of Allah, I have never seen you fasting in the month as you fast in the month of Sha'ban. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
ذلك شهر يغفل الناس عنه بين رجب ورمضان, وهو شهر ترفع فيه الأعمال إلى رب العالمين, فأحب أن يرفع عملي وأنا صائم
"This is the month that is often neglected many people, between the months of Rajab and Ramadan. It is a month in which deeds are lifted towards the Worlds Wed. And I wanted when I was appointed charity, I am in a state of fasting. "(Narrated by An Nasa'i, Ahmad, and sanadnya dihasankan Shaykh Al Albani)
Worship at Night Nisfu reproduce Sha'banThen he explained about the scholars who disagree about the status of virtue Nisfu night of Sha'ban. There are at least two conflicting opinions on this issue. Here's his statement:
The first opinion, nothing special for the night Nisfu keuatamaan Sha'ban. Equal status with other ordinary nights. They stated that all the arguments mentioned virtues Nisfu night of Sha'ban is a weak hadith. Al-Haafiz Abu Shama said: Al-Haafiz ibn Abul Khithab Dihyah-in his book of the month of Sha'ban-said, "The scholars of hadith scholars and critics narrator says, 'There is no single authentic hadith that mentions the virtue of Sha'ban Nisfu night'." (Al Ba'its 'ala Inkaril Bida', p. 33).
Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Baz also denied the existence of virtue and Nisfu month of Sha'ban Sha'ban. He said, "There are some weak hadith hadiths about the virtues of Sha'ban nisfu night, which should not be used as a foundation. As for the hadith which mentions the virtue of praying at night Nisfu Sha'ban, all false status, as well as the statements of the ulama (scholars of hadith). "(At Tahdzir min Al Bida ', p. 11)
Second opinion, there is a special virtue for Nisfu night of Sha'ban. This opinion is based on authentic hadith of Abu Musa Al-Ash'ari radhiallahu 'anhu, that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said, "Verily Allah saw on the night of mid-Sha'ban. Then He forgives all his creatures, except the idolaters and hostile people. "(Narrated by Ibn Majah, At Thabrani, and dishahihkan Al Albani).
After mentioning some major time, Shaykh al-Islam said, "... the opinion which held down the majority of scholars and most scholars in the Hanbali school of virtue is believed the Nisfu night of Sha'ban. This description also fits Imam Ahmad. Given the many traditions related to this issue, as well as justified by the history of the various companions and tabi'in ... "(Majmu 'Fatawa, 23:123)
Ibn Rajab said, "Related Nisfu night of Sha'ban, the first tabi'in Sham population, such as Khalid bin Ma'dan, Mak-hul, Luqman bin Amir, and several other tabi'in, they glorify and sincere in worship in the night ... "(Lathaiful Maarif, Hal. 247).

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